Confidence in your gun and rig?


I just posted a (actually two) threads regarding having your wife/spouse/signicant other held as a hostage by a BG. The BG is holding her at knife or gunpoint.

How many of you are confident enough in your CCW set up (gun and holster)? to draw and fire your gun of choice to take out the BG to save your wife? Is it fast enough? in your estimation?
What is your gun and holster of choice to achieve the speed and accuracy that you need to handle this scenario?
Funny you should ask, my wife and I have discussed this a few times. We've shot that situation a couple times at work. I have a dropleg holster and the issue weapon is a Beretta 9mm. No problem putting holes in the target just where I want 'em at 7-10 meters really damn fast, but that's paper, not a flesh and blood, unpredictable thug with a gun alongside my wife's head. A bad guy holding my wife like that would certainly cause my "buddies" to crawl way high up into my stomach, but I'm pretty sure I could take a partially exposed bad guy out, confident enough to take the shot anyway.



[This message has been edited by Javahed (edited November 08, 2000).]
As embarrasing as this may sound, my wifey (actually fiancee, status continually in doubt) is a much better shot with a handgun than I am. She knows how to send a full clip of 9mm rounds into a foot-wide circle 20 yars away faster than I can dial pick up the phone and dial 911 ... no joke. She also boxes better than me. No joke. And what hurts most of all is that she can cook better too. No joke. Damn, that last one hurt so much. :D

Seriously, we both don't carry when we're together (which isn't often.) Being an retired slanger queen, she leaves her firepower (assorted illegal weapons belonging to her dad and other relatives) at home. I don't walk with guns; I carry knives. What I do, however, is have her walk out with two concealed weapons I picked up in Japan before I left, which I gave to her.

One is a clutch-knife with a one-inch blade that comes out under 2 seconds. Another is an F - shaped piece of black metal that serves as a knuckleduster, 2 points forward, one point down ... hits pressure points much better and won't break your fingers in grooves if you lose grip. They used to make this out of bamboo, I think.

I'm pretty confident that wifey can disengage herself if the BG is clumsy or drops his guard too much. She doesn't have much fear of death (to my eternal worry) and has access to both the weapons I mentioned inside 3 seconds. In any case, it's a two-way street ... even if I stopped carrying knives and other small things and packed something substantial like a .45, she's got to be calm and collected enough for me to have that opening, or make it. And she is :D

But to keep it totally relevant to the original post, I have thought about a CCW, to protect us. Throwing knives/stakes are for the movies, and eventually the need will come to the fore. I can't possibly close distance meaningfully with handheld weapons in time, and I can't rely on her 100% to make the first break (maybe she's pregnant, or sick.) So I'd go with a P7M8, or a Glock 26, in a cross-draw holster. I customarily wear long T-shirts or Aloha shirts, so I don't tuck them in. I want something light and simple enough ... squeeze-cocker or trigger-safety, is alright by me. And yes I know how many problems both guns have, but all I need is one shot with factory hardball, not 3000 shots of +P+ sub-nuclear ammunition.

Peers, enlighten me here ... would love to read about your preparations.
I have an HK USP40 in a custom made pancake holster/belt rig. I have great confidence in it. It is also my service pistol.
IMO quick drawing CCW weapons is a non issue. Either the goblin knows I have a gun in which case he won't give me a chance to draw and shoot. Or he doesn't know I have a gun and I will wait till I have an advantage. Because in the real world if the goblin doesn't know that your armed it [the goblin] isn't likely to be worried if I have a clear field of fire...or if I move to get such.

I find it hard to believe that while I was armed that someone would be able to take a SO of mine hostage if they were at all close enough for me to consider a head shot. Unless I decided the deck was to stacked against me, say more than 3 guys with AK-74's or AR's.

I have reflexitivly blocked punches, more than once, that were aimed at a friend of mine by a third party. And I am pretty sure that I would notice someone walking up to my SO with a gun or knife in hand.
Okay, folks...try this real situation...

You've been driving a while to Aunt Martha's. You pull into a gas station/snack shop setup to take a potty break. As you get out of the car, your wife says she'll go pay the cashier so that you can put gas into the car.
Unbeknownst to you, goblin has just arm robbed the convenience store. Cashier has been ordered to lay down on the floor. Goblin is acting like the cashier. Your wife walks she puts the money on the counter...BG pulls gun on her.
You're finished with your business, when BG with arm around your wife comes out of the store with a gun pointed at you.
Happened to my cousin up in Oregon. My cousin was packing in a fanny pack....didn't choose to draw..he felt it was too slow.BG fired at him and missed, wife collapsed and BG had to take off by himself because the wife was dead weight.
How about this one?

This was another real situation when a Cholo (sp?)was a really bad dude that you didn't mess with in East L.A...unless you wanted to fight with the gang.
Anyway, there was a good sized department store that was quite busy...a guy and his wife were walking out of the doors of the store when he accidentally bumped a cholo who was walking in to the store. The cholo, who was used to everyone giving way to him, spun around and came through the closing door to hit the wife who was between the husband and himself. The cholo was so infuriated that when he threw the punch he didn't even see the wife in the way.
The husband pulled a switchblade, the cholo grabbed the wife and pulled his switchblade and put it to the wife's throat.
The husband dropped his knife so that the cholo would leave his wife alone? Three of the cholo's gang came up (they saw the commotion) and knocked the husband down and kicked him into unconsciouness.
I was a kid that was standing within 3 feet of the couple when the husband was knocked out and the wife had her clothes and face slashed by the gang before they sauntered down the sidewalk.
Well, I don't carry a handgun, but if I'm 200 yards away with my favorite rifle, all I'd ask would be "which eye?" And yes, I can do that. Best group at 200 thus far in registered competition was .347, best at 100 was .132.
LASur5r: IMHO not much your cousin could have done, he was facing a drawn gun. Seeking cover and possibly a decent shot from cover.

In my own experiance when I am "surprised" by goblins I usually get a full adreniline [sp] dump and fine motor control goes. If I see something that gave me some warning then I generally can stay in thinking mode long enough for an incident.

My thinking is that if I have some warning I will most likely take action before the goblin is aware of me. But if I am surprised, like your cousin was, my body wouldn't be capable of enough precision [not to mention not having enough time] to make a head shot or such.
I have this unfortunate desire

"to close with and..." well, you know. I'm trying to train it out, so I'll deliver a truly appropriate response.