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My name is Lunger and I bought a Tristar O/U.I know all the horror stories about budget Turkish O/U's.But seeing them at local shop for sub $400 I had to try a 12 gauge with 28" barrels. It just seemed to fit me just right.

I've tried it on some hand thrown clays and I like it. Only 60 shots but no issues yet.It has a 5 year warranty. Barrels seem well regulated for what it is.

Let me say I am a 60 year old guy. Was an obsessed bow hunter. Never had time for small game. Recent back problems have limited my ability to draw a bow. So this year I have time.

Before you flame me too bad,I don't shoot competition and have no plans to. I know it is no Parrazzi. I also know it won't stand up to thousands of rounds per year. I also have other pumps and semi's.

I probably won't put a hundred a year through it.For the occasional Upland hunter I think you could do worse . And besides if I scratch it or gets it rained on it won't keep me up at night.

So fire away if you must . I can take it ;)
If it works as intended and you like away, fire away.

I rock a sub $200 20g pump and like it just fine.
Thanks Guys, I was expecting to hear any thing less than a Browning or a Barretta is junk and will fall apart in your hands.
That could very well happen, or it might not. It's one of those guns. But for what you describe, it should be OK.
If "regulation" on barrels is good -- and "POI" is where you look meaning it "fits" ...then you will probably be ok.

As far as parts ..or service..if you need them, not sure .../...but I hope it works for you !

......but yes, for a long term gun, in O/U's especially - both Browning & Beretta give you the most gun for your money ( not Perazzi, in my opinion ).
I must also confess to the ownership of a Savage/Stevens 555, in 28 ga. Guns points, feels and shoots well! I'll be lucky to shoot a box out of it this fall.

With that said, I cut my teeth on a Fox side by side and would love to find one in 20 ga. at a gun show over the next few years.
Thanks Guys, I was expecting to hear any thing less than a Browning or a Barretta is junk and will fall apart in your hands.

That is a bad habit with a lot of gun owner's. Doesn't matter if it's a rifle, handgun or shotgun, there are a lot that try to save you from a mistake. Problem with that is the majority of them never owned or even tried the product they are condemning!
You're right...and its the we all understand the input may be less than legitimate...

But some of us, that have shot a lot of clay targets - for many years.... see a lot of turkish, etc entry level over unders on the clay fields at local clubs from new shooters...that have all kinds of problems...with terrible barrel regulation ...and parts breaking even after only a few hundred shells.

Buyers just need to be aware...and shop the used gun stores in your area...see what mfg's of O/U's are holding their value ...and what isn't.../ make their own judgements.

Good O/U's ...that will last 3 or 4 generations...and handle 500,000 shells ...are not hard to the Beretta and Browning lineup of a fair price in my view - new and used.
To add to Jim's comments, many a new shooter would better off buying a used top tier semi auto versus a new lower tier over-under. Semis from Beretta, Browning, Remington, among others, are excellent guns, well made, and should run a long time for equal or less money.
Can't argue with the quality and value of the upper end O/U's. And I would love to own one. But they are out of reach for most casual shooters.
To add to Jim's comments, many a new shooter would better off buying a used top tier semi auto versus a new lower tier over-under. Semis from Beretta, Browning, Remington, among others, are excellent guns, well made, and should run a long time for equal or less money.
To me this is the great truth. You do not need an O/U, and a good semi beats a poor O/U every time.
I agree that a good semi auto a smarter choice for an all around gun on a budget....over the lower end O/U's....

But I still hope this gun works our for the OP.
I have considered a crossbow even though still hoping I get to where I can draw a bow again.

Would need some time to practice with one so this season is out either way .