

New member
I knew there were some things I wasn’t going to do in the voting booth today, but I didn’t know I was going to do this. I just voted for Ron Paul. This feels odd because I expended some serious energy bashing the guy on this forum and elsewhere. I even called him a kook. Now I’ve voted for him. And the really strange thing is that I hope he gets elected president! Despite his flaws, he’s a better man than any of them!

This marks the first time in my 30+ years of voting that I did not know exactly how I was going to vote every candidate and every measure, long, long before I stepped into the booth.

Feels strange. No TV for me tonight… think I’ll do something usually reserved for the weekend… pour a stiff scotch, smoke a cigar and think about anything but politics!:):mad::(
It's a shame he doesn't have a chance. The way the polls are looking I wouldn't be surprised if Hillary gets elected, I just can't believe the number of people who support her. As far as republicans it's going to be McCain, the only other candidate who has half a chance is Huckabee.
I work in N. CA, in one of the most liberal bastions in the country. I was rather surprised that for the past week, many of the freeway overpasses had RP support signs on them. Today, they were ALL gone... replaced by Obama signs and people waving down on the commuter traffic:barf:.... my finger about that scotch! Looks like I need to go down to the wine cellar for a fresh bottle.
I canvassed my precinct for RP. I drove up to a guys house and was pretty sure he was lifetime NRA. He came out and talked for a few minutes and said he was for Huckabee. He asked why I liked RP. I told him that RP has "Walked the Walk" for 30 years. He then said that Huck was pro 2nd amendment and that's why he favored him. I told him RP was pro 2nd amendment and ALL of the constitution and has been voting that way for 30 years often standing alone doing so. Anyone with stones that big has my vote. He didn't want any RP literature and after thanking him for his time I jokingly told him to say hello to the Huckabee folks when they stop by. He reached out and took the info out of my hand. Maybe another 11th hour convert?

I knew there were some things I wasn’t going to do in the voting booth today, but I didn’t know I was going to do this.

Ooooooooh, you're a bad, bad grymster, aren't you?!?

Bad grymster? Yeah…l I guess so, but the field narrows; so now what? Clinton, Obama or MaCain!

On the one hand, MaCain, should the opportunity arise, would likely appoint better, but probably not good judges. He’s more pro-2A than the others, but he’s a socialist at heart and would likely enact Hillary-care, advocate further (if that’s possible) opening of the borders and continue the bi-partisan and ever so popular trend of taking food from my table to buy the vote of a lazier bastard.

Humans for the most part, are despicable creatures. To my knowledge, they are the only creatures that defy genetic selection and continually strive to and succeed at weakening the species.

Maybe for the first time in 30 years, I’ll sit it out in November!