Conference Committee Voting!!!


New member
Conference Committee Voting!!!

-- Texas State Rifle Association Email ---
August 13, 1999

It's time to direct the telephones, e-mail, and fax machines to the
members of the Juvenile Justice Bill Conference Committee. The committee
has 26 House Members and 5 Senators. There are 18 Republicans and 13
Democrats There are 16 with pro-gun voting records and 15 with anti-gun
voting records. The antis include enemies like Ted Kennedy, Sheila
Jackson, Carolyn McCarthy, and John Conyers. The pro-gun voting records
are not pure and three of the Republicans have anti-gun voting records.

So, we have our work cut out for us. Here is what we need to do:

1. First, contact your senator and representatives. Ask them not to
support any of the gun control measures in the Juvenile Justice Bill.

2. Contact the pro-gun committee members and give them the same message.
Thank them for their past voting records.

3. Contact the anti-gun committee members for a show of strength. Tell
them that their support for gun control under the guise of doing good is
actually doing nothing beyond harassing law abiding gun owners.
Prosecuting criminals would be far more effective.

This is a big order for each of us. The minimum would be to do number 1.
If you can make the time, do number 2. Some of us can do all three. The
more the better. The reason that we need to do this is to discourage
thinking like a very confident Sen. Kennedy expressed below.

In what should come as no surprise to gun owners, Sen. Edward Kennedy
(D-Mass.) threatened that a failure by House and Senate leadership to
come to an agreement would not signal an end to continued attacks on
law-abiding firearms owners in stating, "If we don't get it done [in
conference], we're going to get it done on other pieces of legislation
this year."

Go to the TSRA web site to see this statement, the contact information,
and more at:

Please visit the Texas State Rifle Association website: http://www.tsra
Thanks for posting this, NRAlife. It is essential that we all carry our respective ends of the load. I've emailed this TSRA Alert to several pro-gun groups and many pro-gun individuals. Something else that we can do is to forward copies of our emails to elected officials to fellow supporters of the Second Amendment who want to help, but have problems expressing themselves in print. Best to all and hang in there.