Concrete Canoes


New member
Just a quick note to everyone in the Melbourne, Florida area. If you want to see some of the most unique canoes ever check out the ASCE National Concrete Canoe Competition at the Cocoa Beach Country Club on the 19th of June. I'll be attending with my wife. Stop by and say hi at the UAH section.

For those intersest there's some more info about out boat at /

Obligatory firearm realted topic:
If anyone wants to chat about guns in general or has a place in Melbourne that sells 9mm ammo cheap stop by and please inform me.

[This message has been edited by Crash (edited June 15, 1999).]
Crash -

How many people have asked you how the concrete canoes float?
Are you watching or paddling?

I remember my days in college, we built a concrete canoe. Being a bunch of Naval Architects it looked good, had lots of strength, and was pretty lightweight. However, steering and motive power was not good. We did win the post race demolition derby though.

Enjoy the fun,

Freedom is not Free
>How many people have asked you how the >concrete canoes float?

To numerous to even mention.

>Are you watching or paddling?

I'll be on the shore team while the wife paddles. She's won three national comps. before and our women's team beat all the other men's teams this year at regionals.
Our boat is fast and light at 22' 69lb.

Demolish the boat. It just makes my stomach do flip flops thinking about it. Its got $1000 dollars worth of paint on it alone not to mention other materials.

Besides its about as pretty as my stainless HK USP9.

Obligatory firearm related remark:

If anyone is conceal carrying at the cocoa beach country club on saturday, please stop by and see me as I would like a chance to discuss this topic with you.

[This message has been edited by Crash (edited June 15, 1999).]