concerned about proper care Nickled finish


New member
I just bought one of these beauties

I'm concerned its the 1st Nickle plated revolver I've owned. Is there any special care I need to do to maintain the finish?


Nickel care & cleaning...

I've heard some cleaning products & gun care items can scuff or mar a nickeled firearm. :eek:
I think Flitz & Brasso are okay, as is; Ballistol. I'd check with a professional gunsmith or maybe . They are well known for nickel, black oxide, Cerakote, etc.
I think some solvents like Hoppes #9 or 7.62 Solvent are no-gos.
Some CLPs like Eezox, FrogLube, Gunzilla, etc might be okay, but check 1st.

Ballistol works best.

Don't use anything with Ammonia - not even Windex.

At the very least, the ammonia will turn the finish yellow.

Most gun solvents, like Hoppe's #9 have ammonia.

Ballistol does not & it's 100% safe to use.

Don't use Flitz or any polish that might be abrasive - including toothpaste.
I'd avoid Brasso also since it's nickel, not brass.

Johnson Paste wax can be applied as can Ren-wax to help the finish repel fingerprints.

I have, at last count, about 8 nickel plated guns.
There's no real trick to cleaning them - as long as you stick with Ballistol.

Heck, you'll probably find out like I did that Ballistol works so well, you'll use it on everything.
Nickel is not a very hard metal and scratches easily. Don't use any abrasive on that gun or you will dull the finish. And I second not using any ammonia based cleaner. The nickel plating on those guns had a copper substrate. Ammonia won't harm the nickel itself, but if it can get at the copper is will dissolve it and leave the nickel without support and peeling.

Most factory nickeled guns don't have a copper underplate.
Flitz is abrasive.
Keep Brasso at least 2 rooms away from nickel plate.
Yes, beware of copper base plating. Not only can some solvents damage them, but some peoples' sweat is also incompatible with it. That's what happened to my first Rock Island Armory 1911. Fortunately, RIA replaced it for free.
I have several nickel revolvers,and wondered the same thing. I called smith and wesson and asked them. I was told to clean them with the hoppes elite gun cleaner. I have done that for several years with good luck .