Concealed Handgun Permit instead of Firearm Purchase Certificate


New member
During my last handgun purchase a few days ago, I was commenting on the need for me to renew my Firearm Purchase Certificate. Here in Nebraska, that Certificate is good for 3 years, and mine was due to expire in a couple weeks. I was informed that a person can now use his/her Concealed Handgun Permit for the purchase of firearms.

Has anyone else heard this?
A handgun purchase permit is required by Nebraska Revised Statutes § 69-2403 for purchases of handguns in Nebraska. In 2010 the Legislature passed a law which exempts concealed handgun permit holders and law enforcement officers from this requirement. A point-of-purchase check of the national instant criminal background check system (known as NICS) must be completed by the seller despite the exemption from the permit requirement because the purchase permit has been accepted by the federal Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) authorities in lieu of the point-of-purchase check. ATF may eventually recognize the concealed handgun permit in lieu of the point-of-purchase check because both permits require a NICS check. Even though some of the requirements are similar, each permit is independent and all of the requirements for each type of permit must be satisfied independently. Fingerprints, photographs, or a record check completed for one permit may not be used to satisfy the requirements for the other permit. Permits to purchase handguns are obtained from the Chief of Police or Sheriff. The permit to carry a concealed handgun is obtained from the Nebraska State Patrol.
It is true, a NE Concealed Handgun Permit holder NO LONGER needs to have the handgun purchase permit. The ATF has officially notified FFL's in the state of Nebraska. See the link below to read about it and see a copy of the official letter from the ATF:,3579.0.html

Now understand though, there may be some gun dealers who are not smart enough to educate themselves in the laws as they change, so you could go to a gun store and they may not know this.

While you are on the link above, be sure to sign up and join the NE Firearms Owners Association. Lots of great info there..... And it is all FREE! (including the membership)
We had a thread on this a couple weeks ago and the concensus was permit to purchase was needed. This clears all that up as I said then all you need is the ccw now like Iowa.
cmzneb is right. BATFE recently notified Nebraska firearms dealers of their ruling.

However, I still use my purchase permit and I plan to renew it when it expires. I'm not real keen on flashing my CC permit around in public.

Thanks for the comments guys. I too will keep renewing both of my permits just to be safe, but its nice to know that we are getting with the program so to speak.
Good Call !!

However, I still use my purchase permit and I plan to renew it when it expires. I'm not real keen on flashing my CC permit around in public.
Good call, Y'all ..... ;)

Be Safe !!!