The OP starter already has four 1911's, so there is obviously a preference and a familiarity with the platform.
So the two originally asked about would make good carry pieces for him, but be aware that even a compact .45 isn't always an easy pistol to conceal.
Also, the OP starter is no stranger to spending over a Grand on a pistol, so look at the Rohrbaugh R9s. That
is a pistol that can be carried anywhere and every where, and being a 9mm, you're still not undergunned.
Of the first two mentioned, the Wilson would be a no brainer for me. I have two different friends who have found their Kimber UCII's to be problematic. One of the guys has sold his and the other is thinking about trading his in as we speak.
But consider the Colt Defender as well. It's another good, reliable pistol in compact .45 size.
My personal recommendation would be to get the Wilson or Colt, but also invest in the Rohrbaugh to have as
the pistol to grab when the .45 is just a little too much to carry.
And if you don't feel you are carrying concealed, you aren't, and you won't carry everywhere which leaves us back to the first rule in a gun fight. See above.
I'll take some issue with this follow up comment. It's really the other way around where if you're "not sure" that you are carrying concealed "enough", then you probably are.
One of the most common things I hear from noobie CCW permit holders is that they think the moment they strap on a gun, that everyone within sight immediately
knows that they are carrying.
I see lots and lots of people with bumps on their hips and in pockets, and the vast majority of them are cell phones or eyeglass carriers or PDA's... all sorts of things people carry. For that reason, I no longer worry about just a little extra bump showing up under a shirt. I've yet to be looked at twice by a police officer or security guard anywhere, even in places where we aren't supposed to be carrying.