Concealed Firearms-America's right?


I just moved to California and it is highly illegal to carry a concealed firearm, if you are not a retired law enforcement officer.
But with all these idiots running around shooting people (x6 in last week with no reason) do we have a right as Americans to protect ourselves in California?
Short answer: no.

But really, there's some nuance in California. Open carry is legal in rural counties with less than 100,000 population, as I recall, and some counties are effectively shall-issue for concealed carry licensing.

Also, first offense of unlicensed concealed carry of a handgun registered to your ownership is only a misdemeanor.

There's no license to possess, as you'd find in Illinois or New Jersey.

So California is pretty bad when it comes to guns, but not the worst.
In my opinion, it is your right as an American. I do not do it because I cannot afford a ridiculous legal battle with the state, and since I don't plan on staying here, I'd rather just stay on the right side of the law and play their game for another couple of years. Hopefully I can dodge the bullets or blades of criminals until then... :o
It is your right as an American, but California does not care about your rights in some places. As mentioned above, there are plenty of counties that do, but the ones that have the most population don't care so much as a gnat's eyelash for you.
Actually, it's your obligation as a human being to protect yourself and your family. To bad others others want to restrict this basic function, which falls in the same category as food and shelter. I'd carry a knife, bow and arrow, hammer or anything else that is legal in your great state.

Come on Down to Texas.

Sam, I agree, I have actually been thinking about moving to Texas for that reason. Probably better than Nevada.

Can't the NRA do anything about this state?
Open handgun carry in California is legal so long as the gun is unloaded, in a belt holster, and you avoid school zones (within 1000 feet of school property). There may be other restrictions -- also check local laws; supposedly there is preemption, but it's not well written law.

That, however, doesn't mean you won't get arrested, especially in the cities.

If you are in an area where it is legal to shoot, then it is legal to carry a loaded gun. Generally this means that you are in an unincorporated area and not near buildings or roads.
You can get a concealed carry permit in California. No need to be law enforcement. I posted an article about it a while back.
Depends on where you live and stuff like that, but it isn't impossible.

It isn't a right. At best it's a sub-category of a right.
Buzz Cook

Really? Can you direct me to such information as all research through the California Penal Code has stated negatively.
I would genuinely like to look this up.
Spent years in Illinois, soon a I could, I got out and headed to Florida. If you can, do the same, get out. Good luck.