Concealed Carry?


New member
How does a concealed carry permit benefit someone?
Is not open carry suficient? Does not concealed carry get you on a LIST somewhere?
Sorry, but i just dont trust any govt program when it comes firearms.
It depends on the state whether you need a permit to open carry or conceal carry to start with (some states require a license for either). And yes you are on a list once you get one of these license.

It sounds like you're in an area where you don't need a permit for open carry. Well I'll give you the main advantage for having a concealed carry permit.

If you are in a situation where a criminal pulls a weapon. If he sees you have a gun you'll probably be killed right away. Whereas if it doesn't appear that you have a weapon you have a much better chance of survival.

The other advantage is you don't have to worry about getting kicked out of a place that has a no gun policy and didn't post it (Wal-Mart here is great for that). If you go into one of these places with an openly visible gun you'll probably get the boot, whereas if it's concealed they won't know you have a gun.

A third reason for me (I'm not saying it's an advantage or not, it's just a personal feeling) to carry concealed is nobody around you knows you have a gun. Many people feel uncomfortable around guns and honestly I have no desire to make those people feel uncomfortable when I'm around. If it's concealed it's out of their mind and makes them feel better. Again opinions on this one may vary largely.
Some states require you to have a permit to carry, be it open or concealed. Even if your state doesn't require one, having one will allow you to carry in other states that honor your permit. Check for information about reciprocity.

In the open vs concealed debate in general, I prefer concealed for a few reasons:
- The power of surprise is a significant advantage in a fight.
- You don't want to be drawing unnecessary attention to yourself.
- Carrying open might dissuade a mugger, but if he really wants to get you he'll just get some of his friends after he sees you have a gun, then you're in a lot more trouble than if he didn't know you were armed and attacked you by himself.
- Carrying openly lets the bad gun know where your gun is so he can plan to trap your drawing arm or grab your gun when he attacks you.
- If you ever have to walk through a dense crowd and you're carrying openly, you risk having someone take your gun and you might not even see it coming.
e-bear said:
Does not concealed carry get you on a LIST somewhere?

Bear, you are probably already on some list somewhere that IDs you as a gunowner. Hard not to be on some list today.

burg gave the best reason I think for carrying concealed; surprise. My opinion is that someone who wants to do you harm normally has the advantage because they pick the time and place of the attack. However, if they don't know and don't think you are armed then YOU have an advantage that may allow you to turn the tables on your attacker and come out alive.
In NY carrying open is not an option but I wouldn't want to for the reasons stated in this thread already. The element of surprise gives you the edge. If I had my gun open, I would be paranoid that someone may try to snatch and run. I would not want to freak people out every place I go either.
You're on "the list" by just registering on gun forums. :eek::D

I carry concealed because I like having the element of suprise should I ever need it, to by-pass the NICS checked (for some reason I'd get delayed alot and I have nothing on my record) and I can only open carry at work (rent-a-cop :o) as Texas in not on open carry state.
IMO,Best reason`s for CCW have already been given. I`ll add that some states have legal open carry but is so rarely done that if you strap your gun on and walk downtown chances are you won`t get very far and you`ll surely end up on a list of some kind.
In the open vs concealed debate in general, I prefer concealed for a few reasons:
- The power of surprise is a significant advantage in a fight.
- You don't want to be drawing unnecessary attention to yourself.
- Carrying open might dissuade a mugger, but if he really wants to get you he'll just get some of his friends after he sees you have a gun, then you're in a lot more trouble than if he didn't know you were armed and attacked you by himself.
- Carrying openly lets the bad gun know where your gun is so he can plan to trap your drawing arm or grab your gun when he attacks you.
- If you ever have to walk through a dense crowd and you're carrying openly, you risk having someone take your gun and you might not even see it coming.

Concealed for the reasons listed above.
Personally, it's my business whether I carry a gun or not, and whether I am carying a gun at any particular point in time.

I don't particularly want people to know that I'm carrying a gun.
CCW==Stacking the Salami Back Up

I wrote a column on this very topic a few months ago. The abridged version is this: I loathe having to get the permit to legally carry concealed, and I do occasionally take advantage of Arizona's open carry law, but it's not always convenient. Yes, getting a CCW permit does get you on a list. But it's not unlike a writing a pro-gun letter to the editor, or showing up at a gun rights rally. It's a way to stand up and make a statement. It adds to the statistics. Nobody counts how many guns are carried openly.

A permit system is just a good first step toward a day when the right to carry is like the right to vote.
Good point, Chris! Having significant numbers of permits and the documented low crime rate of the permit holders is strong evidence for the lawful nature of such a population.

It runs counter to the 'blood in the streets' or vigilante mantra of some.
I live in Northern Virginia and a few years ago, when it seemed to be a common thing to get a carry permit, some local paper, not the Washington Post, decided to publish the names of people applying for permits, though I don't recall how much detail was listed. That no longer happens because I suppose it no longer makes a good story or something.

There is probably a way of finding out who has a carry permit in your county. This county (Fairfax) has all sorts of information that can be accessed on line by anyone with a computer. You can look up what someone paid for their house, the assessed value, the taxes and so on, though I've not had any interest in finding out who has a permit, which is not the same as who has a gun. But this is all a matter of public record.

At one time there was a different concept of privacy, and it was certainly not the one we have now. These days we seem to believe we have a right to privacy, although it might be a good idea. Some people don't even think you have a right to knock on someone's door. I grew up answering the door to beggars and tramps. Do you think you would like to vote by a show of hands in a public election?