Concealed Carry While ON The Range


New member
The range I belong to has a rule that all actions must be open unless you are on the line and actually firing. For the most part I understand this rule and abide by it but I alway keep a holstered handgun loaded whether I'm on the line or not.

Does anyone else here remain armed struggle all times when on the range?
My range has the same rules, and under those rules you would be told to either clear the holstered weapon or leave the property. It appears that you choose to ignore the rules, which is your choice.
At my local ranges they don't mind if you have your weapon concealed. They just appreciate if you don't take it out at ANY point unless you're on the firing line and ask / tell the RO that you wish to do so.

But before that, I would carry concealed anyways.

If you're not allowed to, that's entirely up to you.

There have been a dozen times already where people have offed themselves in my local ranges. 2 times at the one I worked at. I remember contacting a few members I'm friends with on this forum and telling them about it.
Constantine said:
They just appreciate if you don't take it out at ANY point unless you're on the firing line and ask / tell the RO that you wish to do so.

I don't take my gun out anywhere but on the line. My range permits drawing and firing I simply reload before I holster and walk down range to check my target.
The indoor range where I go now and again explicitly states that NO loaded firearms are to be carried into the building (LEO exempted), so carrying concealed would not be kosher. Since I usually go there to practice with several guns, I just put the carry gun in the same range bag and wait until I am in my lane. When I leave it goes back in my pocket (and loaded).
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At our range you can have a loaded gun as long as it's in a holster or in your bag. I don't feel the need to have a loaded gun. I just shoot my other ones and have fun but I don't mind people that just have to have one on their hip or in their bag.
I think a little clarification might be in order here.There have been a couple of threads here recently about security while on the range and thefts while on the range.

The range I go to is about 10 miles out of town and probably covers a good square mile.

The pistol range is about a mile from the clubhouse and there's really nothing more than a barbed wire fence to keep people away.

Because it is remote it seems to me that it would make an excellent target and as a result I make a point of never being caught with an empty gun
This is one case where concealed is concealed. Just don't take it out unless there is an emergency.
RSOs generally don't bother me about anything. Even when I rapid fire at ranges where it is prohibited.
The range I shoot at once per week has the following sign posted on the Front Door:


and underneath that large print in small print is:

if you are a licensed concealed carry holder, you may keep your concealed weapon concealed. Please keep it concealed and holstered in the store.

The catch is if you go into their range, you must keep that gun concealed or be shooting it, but not out of the holster. Because it is a public range, i keep my gun concealed and will shoot my other guns, making sure I have at least one gun that is loaded and is accessible. My carry gun meets that description.
My range encourages everyone to carry, doesn't matter owb or iwb. The rule is the firearm must be holstered unless on the firing line to fire the holstered gun, makes sense right? Of course they require you to be in compliance with State, Federal and local laws ie..conceal carry permit if the firearm is concealed.
A lot of ranges require all guns, including CC guns be empty, cylinder open/slides locked to the rear.

Their range, their rules and I'll honor those rules if I'm shooting a match there.

However, I conduct most of the matches at our range. When not actually shooting all guns that are to be used will be unloaded and cylinders open, slides to the rear, and with rifles Empty Chamber indicator installed.

But that is for guns to be used. If you're not going to use your CC weapon, leave it in your pocket.

For example if I'm running CMP Vintage rifle matches, when not firing or told other wise all rifles are to be unloaded, bolt to the rear and empty chamber indicator. If you're carrying your CC, I don't care, nor is it my business, leave it in your pocket or holster.

Same with our pin shoots, if you're using, lets say, a 1911 for pins and you carry a J-frame concealed, and have no intention in using your Concealed Weapon, I don't have a problem with it.
If you're carrying your CC, I don't care, nor is it my business, leave it in your pocket or holster.

Kraigwy, it's about the same here. And honestly, I like it that way. If you're carrying they don't mind. Just don't take it out to "show it" to anyone like used to happen so much.

You don't know the person who's attempting to "clear" their pistol for whatever reason they felt necessary to take it out. Countless times guns come in "empty" and when you check it, a round pops out. So encased upon entry. If you're carrying concealed, great. Leave it as concealed. If you're in the range that goes without saying. The only weapons to be handled in the showroom are weapons that are up for sale.
"...The range I belong to has a rule that all actions must be open unless..." You join a club, not a range. When you joined said club you agreed, very likely in writing, to follow the club's rules. Where the club's range is or how far from anything is irrelevant.
" would make an excellent target..." For what? Criminals are not going to attack anywhere there might be armed people.
Criminals are not going to attack anywhere there might be armed people.

True for the most part. As I said in my previous post, there have been cases where my local ranges have had troubled people. People who you can't always predict. They've walked in, rented a firearm, one box of ammo, and offed themselves inside the range. When they could have just as easily taken down some innocent people with them prior to such an act.

Is it as likely to happen on a range than it is anywhere else? No. But I don't prepare for best case. A lot of people prepare for worst case scenario. So I wouldn't rule out the range as being a safe place either.
For what? Criminals are not going to attack anywhere there might be armed people.

Except there's a thread going on right here right now talking about rifles being stolen on firing ranges. In the middle of said thread there's a side discussion of Platt and Maddix the Miami bank robbers who got their weapons and their vehicles by killing people at remote ranges and stealing them.

Of course there's also the THR remember who was murdered on a firing range police speculate who was killed for his weapons.

They must not of got the memo
Gun Shows are always posted.

Many gun stores are posted.

It does not surprise me that many public/private club ranges are posted.

I'm betting most of it is more to do with liability than anything else and the ranges are doing it because they don't want people pulling CCW out willy nilly for shooting practice.

I'd go with johnwilliamson062 on this one, concealed means concealed and I'm betting a significant portion of your fellows on the range are doing exactly that.

Unless you know of a specific reason why they really, really mean it, I'm guessing that this is a *wink wink nudge nudge* type of thing at most places.
Unless you know of a specific reason why they really, really mean it, I'm guessing that this is a *wink wink nudge nudge* type of thing at most places.

There is no "wink, wink, nudge, nudge" at the gun club I belong to. If you carry a loaded gun on the range and it's reported - you're out of the gun club.

An extract from the range handbook for the gun club to which I belong -

b. This means that all firearms anywhere on the range property, including the Firing Line, shall at all times be and remain (A) unloaded, (B) the actions open, and (C) detachable magazines removed (“Rendered Safe”). The ONLY EXCEPTION is for firearms properly present on the Firing Line during such time as the line is Hot. Carrying loaded firearms is prohibited, anywhere on the range other than the firing line. You may load and fire your gun only at the benches, firing line or, if participating in an organized activity, under the direction of a Range Officer (RO).

c. It is highly recommended that you unload all firearms before you come to the range. However, if you have a loaded gun in your car which you want to fire, (e.g., a carry, off-duty, or self protection firearm) put it into a case or “gun rug” and take it to the firing line of one of the ranges when it is hot. Once the line is hot you may then remove the firearm for use.

If you don't understand what is clearly written in the range handbook - then you should probably not be using the range.

There are no range officers policing the firing lines - everyone who belongs to the club is authorized to be a range officer.

The gun club opened in 1959, and there has never been a shooting accident at the club since it opened. You read the rules and obey the rules, or you don't shoot at the club.
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Most ranges I know of have basically the same rules - no loaded guns except on the firing line, and pointed down range. Even police ranges have that rule, and the shooters all carry loaded guns everywhere else. If the OP feels he absolutely must carry a loaded concealed weapon, everywhere, every minute of the day, he might be just a bit paranoid and must recognize that if he is caught he will be banned from the range.

As in many other cases, it is a trade-off. I know of a drag strip that allows only competition cars to race on their strip; if I take my Corolla on their strip, they will escort me off the property. Their strip, their rules.

Because it is a public range, i keep my gun concealed and will shoot my other guns, making sure I have at least one gun that is loaded and is accessible. My carry gun meets that description.

Paranoid? I don't think so, and my range does not prohibit it, if you are a CHL holder.

A poster on a local forum uses this as his sig line: "Carry 24/7 or guess right."
I can't find any flaw in that logic.
If the OP feels he absolutely must carry a loaded concealed weapon, everywhere, every minute of the day, he might be just a bit paranoid

That was uncalled for and a bit Rude

Lots of people feel the need to be armed anytime they are out in public. CCW while at a shooting range seems like a very rational idea. I know 100% there will be people i dont know there WITH guns.

Since i dont have a crystal ball to see what will happen, i choose to be prepared.

Whether you choose to obey the rules about loaded guns or not is up to you. But dont call a guy names just because he takes his personal safety more seriously then you do