Concealed carry way up and crime down.

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That is great but violent gun crime is down in general. For example, its also down in Australia where they banned guns. These are the kind of stats people pick and choose to prove their point. What they do show is that allowing CCW doesn't increase crime, which is where the gun lobby needs to focus.
No, correlation is not causality as Adam said. Much literature on this.

There is one point that an increase in concealed carry was not seen with a large increase in crime and that the crime rate of licensed carriers is much lower than the general public and even police officers.
I saw one claim that the crime rate among holders of concealed carry licenses was lower than that among nuns. Don't quote that one until I find the reference, but it stuck in my head because it was both telling and kind of amusing.
I did hear CCW permit holders had a crime rate lower than some police officers, but I think that was a single year stat used by JPFO some years ago comparing Florida to Washington DC PD, IIRC. Can't remember.
Nuns, eh?Must be some pistolero packin' nun biker gangs I haven't heard about, to even SHOW a crime rate!
Must be getting your news somewhere different than me...

No large mass shootings yet this year.
But we did just have a mid sized killing spree... "Y'all supposed to killed me. I ran out of bullets."
7 humans killed in that.
Since this has descended into nonsense, I'm closing it.

A note - TFL is not just about quips. If there is an issue about understanding regression analysis and criminological data - we'd like to keep it on that level. Just as Frank Ettin and Spats steer us away from home brewed interpretations of the law, some of us do know quite a bit about statistics. Thus, we would like to avoid comments such as the recent set.
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