Concealed Carry - Reciprocity

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Don't know if this has been posted before, but it's very useful information about which states recognize others' carry-licenses:
The trouble with most web sites posted to an .edu (education) domain is they can disappear fairly quickly dependng on the school's policy.

For a site that should be around for awhile try the NRA's at: //

At least they are using dues money for something worthwile.
This should be like drivers liscenses...
What is the question here? Are we Americans in a free nation or what? Any one oposed to this should not be in office.

Kenetic Defense Institute

And for those of you looking to travel, Michigan is the only state in the nation I am aware of that recognizes permits and badges from every other state in the nation.

Many other states accept one or the other neither. Shame on them. In Michigan you will be accepted regardless. At least for the time being.

And we have great lakes, woodlands, snow, blues bars, and beer, with no earth quakes, alligators, scorpions, hurricanes, etc.

Not a bad place to be, all things considered.

From what I've read, Michigan is a strange bird in this regard...they will honor any permit which is honored by your home state; however, MIchigan residents find it almost impossible to obtain a permit for the state. Is this true?
Don't forget the good folks in Vermont...the only state government that believes in the US Constitution. All US citizens above the age of 16 with no felony record can carry in Vermont. Want to bet that if a Federal reciprocity law is ever passed that it will tend to force Vermont into joining the rest of the CCW gang? You know, the states that are trying to convert a right into a privilege.
Rich- Thanks for the link. I am quite pleased to learn that with my GA permit I can now legally carry from the FL line through GA, TN, KY, IN, and MI to the Canadian border. Great! However, I do want to get written verification from the state authorities and carry the letters with me if I am in another state. Just to avoid possible hassles from some anti-gun deputy somewhere.
Patrick, you are wrong --- The Great State of Indiana will honor all permits as long as rules of home state/country are followed.
Indiana's law dates from 1934 I believe, and an 18 year old can get a permit. There is no test, qualification, etc. All it takes is to be an HONEST CITIZEN. Try that in all but a few locations in Michigan, and even then you still have to go thru a gun board.
Ed, all of those states are nice to Florida, yet my Az, In, NH permits are worthless in Florida. George.
Ummm, I don't think Patrick is "wrong", given the fact that he clearly stated this to be "to my knowledge". While were on the subject, I must dispute your own statements about Florida permits. They are not honored in GA or TN.

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited 01-04-99).]
Sorry guys, I haven't checked this thread lately, so let's catch up.

Rich - Michigan is a strange bird indeed. To get a permit as a Michigan citizen, one must apply to a "gunboard" which is generally made up of the local sheriff, the local ranking state police commander, and the county prosecutor. In Michigan one must prove the need to have such a permit to the board, and the board is able to reject any application without giving the applicant a reason.

About the only permit a regular Joe can get is classified "Hunting and Target" which allows a person to cary concealed or transport in a car for those two purposes. General permits are darn near impossible to get. I have heard that retred police officers in some areas have trouble getting the permit. It all depends on the political makeup of the board.

Art - Time Lapse occurs in Detroit on a pretty regular basis. People tend to age there prematurely. The State Police used to require a rotation in Detroit, but they gave the guys who went there "double seniority credit" for their years of service when they wanted to tranfser to another post.

GLV - I obviously am not an expert in Indiana law, and I do not live there. However, from my contacts in IN I have been led to believe that nearly anyone can get a carry permit in Indiana, to include out of staters, BUT using an out of state permit is a no no.

My source could be wrong, but he has provided my with reliable information in the past. I would want to see the statute, especially one that old, myself before I tried it. There aren't many laws I know of that originated in the 1930's that haven't been amended over the years in some way, shape, or form.
