Concealed carry question


New member
To start off, I'm new to shooting and guns in general. As such, I have been doing alot of reading at various sites on the net. One bit of information that I keep seeing is that many of the people posting to these sites claim to carry concealed. What I'm wondering is how many of these people are doing it legally? In the state I live in, Maryland, you either have to be a police officer or have an exceptionally good reason to obtain a CC permit. Are my state's laws really that much tougher than others? Or, and this is what I suspect, do that many people carry illegally? To be honest, it is something that I am definitely considering, carrying illegally that is. I just don't know whether I am ready to deal with the consequences if caught.
Any thoughts on the subject would be appreciated.
Maryland, along with New York and New Jersey
have the strictest gun laws in the country.

I carry concealed legally.

I would not carry illegally, because if
you get caught doing so, its a felony.

People with a felony on their record
cannot purchase its
not worth the risk if you ask me.

Even though it is our constitutional right to keep and BEAR arms.
Legal carrying for me. Florida is "shall issue", which means you are guaranteed to get one unless, of course, you are a felon or mentally incompetent.
Visit the NRA site and pick a state that has laws to your liking. Then vote with your feet and leave the "People's Paradise" to those who deserve it.
What Hank is implying is that YES, Maryland's gun laws are uncommonly oppressive. So are IL's, where I live. Here, there's no CCW even if you have an outstanding reason. If you aren't on your property, hunting, or at a range and you've got a gun, you're a felon. Period. Those things are only allowed with a Firearm Owner's ID or FOID.
On the other hand, Vermont has NO carry laws. Carry anything you want concealed. Arizona has no law on open carry and shall-issue concealed permits.
If you can, move. If you can't, you gotta be guided by your conscience, I guess. Good luck.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
This topic has been discussed before and you will find most of the guys who speak of carrying do so legally. In Wyoming all you need is $50.00 and no felony record and the permit is yours.
I carry legally in Virginia and suggest you comply with the law.

Maryland's regulations are ridiculously difficult, particularly considering the great number of honest, law-abiding victims annually in the DC and Baltimore areas. However right across the Potomac, Virginia has a reasonable concealed carry law, which, in essence, directs county courts to issue permits to individuals of good character (no felonies, dishonorable military discharges, mental instability, etc.) with minimum firearms training. Vote with your feet and welcome to Virginia.
Isn't it funny how we've (myself included) all been lulled into beleiving that the government (local, state, federal) has a right to supress your rights? Specifically, your right to self preservation? Most people think that rights emanate from the govt., instead of residing with the individual by virtue of his/her existence. It's sad that civics isn't taught much in schools anymore or understood by most of the general population. What I learned about civics was acquired after high school, and mostly after college. Not understanding the basics of this country by an ever-growing margin of people is the reason why gun owners are facing a constant assault on their rights.
Crafty, unprincipled politicians are just
building on this ignorance. Hell, most people don't even know that we are not a
democracy but a represetative republic.

Reading "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," by Ayn Rand, should be required of every politician and in every high school.
Pennsylvania also has reasonable laws. In the last few years the number of carry permits issued to women has increased dramatically.