Concealed Carry Process


New member
I just had a general question regarding the concealed carry process for Ohio. I know that they do full background checks and take your fingerprints during the process but what is the reason that they take your fingerprints? Is this to have them on file for future problems that would occur from your firearm that you carry or is this for a background check that they run against other prints they have on file? I was wondering in general because I do not like giving out my fingerprints just like I don’t like giving out my SSN.
I don't believe they run the fingerprints through a matching process, I think they just take them and keep them on file. I have no doubt that they'll end up in a database though (mine were taken electronically).

I think the other information you give them is used for the BCI check. What county are you going to apply in? Each sheriff does things a little differently and some are much better (and quicker) than others.

I'm in Stark County. I looked around on the internet for answers to this question and mainly found that the fingerprints were FBI related. Is there any way that you can find out what they do with the prints specifically? Would it hurt to call the sherrif's office and ask them?
Thanks Jammer Six but I knew about that website last year. Its a very good informational website and does not answer the specific question at hand.
When I first got a CPL, I asked these questions. I am in Michigan but the process is likely similar. The fingerprints were taken and then sent to the FBI for matching. After they are checked (presumably no match), They are returned to your agency as part of the backgroud check. The reason they are re-taken for one's renewal is that they are discarded after the CPL is approved. This is according to my Wayne county sheriff per my inquiry. Hopefully, the pending bill in our legislature to waive the prints on renewal passes(that will bring the cost of my CPL down to $26.00 from the current $105.00) The major money is the print-taking and sending/receiving of them by the state police (pure gravy to them!).
If you live in Stark county, you can go to Summit (I got mine in 44 days), Portage, Mahoning, Columbiana, Carroll, Tuscarawas, Holmes or Wayne county to get your CHL. I've heard good things about Wayne county, but you'd have to drive all the way to Wooser... twice.

Haven't heard how the Stark Co. Sheriff is on issuing speed.

Where did you take your training class?

Good luck! :)
I worked out of the country for a while. Had to get a full FBI background check done for the work visa. This included finger prints of ALL fingers. Here in Tennessee, we currently provide finger prints (left and right thumbs) for every handgun purchased as it goes through the instant background check process. I have given my finger prints so many times, that I don't even think about it any more.

I did not take my training classes yet but one of my friends is an instructor and i am going to take them from him. Thanks for the info on heading to wayne county.