Concealed Carry Permit question for Florida folks


New member
Recently I viewed a film where a resident of Florida, stated that all he had to demonstrate, in order to get his permit, was to "index" a handgun. He stated that this was all that was required and the permit as his. I only ask because I really have to question his agenda as the film was generally anti-gun, and anti-Fox News. Would appreciate any feedback to be better informed when addressing the bias of this film. :)

Be Safe !!!
Not when my wife went through the course - she had to demonstrate the ability to fire her gun (1 mag or cylinder's worth) and do a reload at least once.

This was after the mandatory classtime of about 4 hours, IIRC.
I still have my Fl permit. FL has no specific course or demonstration requirements other than "proficiency" which is not defined. You can get proficiency through a simple gun-show course in which they do some minimal class time followed by a trip to the range where if you don't shoot the instructor or anyone else, you pass (don't laugh - it really is that simplistic). Proficiency can also be "demonstrated" by simply passing the Hunter Safety course and submitting a copy of that or submitting a copy of your DD-214 if you were former military.
When I received (earned) my Florida Permit, some 8 years ago, I had to take a class and demonstrate proficiency. The class was held in conjunction with a Gun Show at the Orlando fair grounds. I believe the class was two hours with lecture, video and demonstration. Proficiency was demonstrated by firing 5 "wax" rounds at a distance of six feet from a revolver. FYI: my South Carolina permit was much more extensive. Eight hours of class room, with a written exam and a "proficiency" test of firing 50 "duty" rounds. I seem to recall that the shooting score was a minimum of 70. Firing was done at 3, 10 and 15 yards.; with reloads. SC training did not make you an expert but at least it gave you the rudiments of lawful carry, safety and which way to NOT point a firearm.
Another biased film !!!

From the replies that I am reading, sounds like the film was not being very honest. There was a lot of other misinformation, in this film. :rolleyes:

I know that there are many Gun-Guys that hate AR-types forks who, Hi-capacity magazines and in favor or more stringent back-ground checks as well as a high level of proficiency. I've never been able to completely understand this and my only reply is;
"Shall not be infringed". .... :)

Be Safe !!!
"was to "index" a handgun."

No idea what indexing means here. Hogwash.

And your permit is good for any hand gun, or knife, etc.

40 years ago my county permit did list my pistols - bu now the state owns the whole process.
I know that there are many Gun-Guys that hate AR-types forks who, Hi-capacity magazines and in favor or more stringent back-ground checks as well as a high level of proficiency. I've never been able to completely understand this and my only reply is;

I don't think it is a hatred of AR folks so much as a strong dislike for those few who feel it necessary to parade through Walmart or wherever with an AR slung openly over their shoulder smiling and acting the fool.
With the current SCOTUS vacancy and the constant assault by the antis (just look how many threads on this site alone), ANY activity that makes us all look bad is undesirable and IMO, is the issue any older folks have with "AR guys".

Again, JMO, YMMV.
I know people who earnestly believe only those who can pass a combat handgun test should be 'granted' a CCW permit.

Look at the South Carolina test that includes firing at 15 yard targets. Hardly a self-defense scenario other than active shooter response.

Just how much training does Grandma need to have, anyway, in order to deal with an attacker at arm's length? We keep clouding the self-defense issue with Ramboesque scenarios, we shouldn't be doing that.
Recalibrating my comment.

I don't think it is a hatred of AR folks so much as a strong dislike
As the Liberals would say; I have to "recalibrate" my comment. There are many gun owners that feel that there is no place or justification for "anyone" owning AR's and Hi-capacity magazines. Perhaps the word hate is too strong but by my measure, sure comes close. I never mentioned the gun idiots you are talking about as we could all write a book, on them. ....... :eek:

Be Safe !!!