Concealed Carry on Business Premises



I have a question that I can't quite figure out through the Texas Penal Code. I am no longer a CHL holder because I let it expire. I own my own retail business and will be open overnight this week. Is it legal for me to carry a concealed firearm while I am at work. Since I am the owner and the premises is under my control, it appears the answer would be yes, but I do not want to get in trouble for it. I am in Texas, and I plan on getting my CHL again next month and really don't want to make it a problem when I go to get it, but I also don't want to get robbed because I was unarmed.

If you run a bar/restaurant that has an alcohol license there's another exemption for businesses with those. Hope all goes well for ya on your overnight.

Finally the police department called back and said it was perfectly ok to carry as long as I was the owner.
