Concealed Carry Mag Pouches, what do you use?


New member
I'd like to get a single or double mag carrier for concealed carry. Is there anything out there that can be used with a tucked in shirt. There are plenty of options if I am wearing a jacket or an "I'm packin'" photo vest, but not too much if you want to wear something else.

Any ideas?

Some companys make a ankle type mag carrier, I just dont remember who it is at the moment (CRS). I've also used a knife pouch as nascarnhlnra suggested. I used an Uncle Mikes, one that doesnt leave much of the sides open. A fatter, double stack mag, or two 1911 mags will work, but you can see them more if your looking for them. If your wearing "dress" clothes, with a tucked in shirt, the ankle type would probably hide the best and be more comfortable. Most dress pants will "print" a dime, so even with the mag in something, I think it would not look right in your pocket, not to mention, be uncomfortable.
Magazines are the easiest part of concealed carry. If you have found a way to carry your gun with a tucked shirt, then you can carry a spare magazine in a similar fashion.

Of course, the type of mag is going to play a big role in how you carry it. Double stack mags are more difficult to carry compared to single stacks. If you have a single stack mag and are willing to carry it under a tucked shirt somehow, or in an ankle carry rig, you might as well put it in a front pants pockets because tucked IWB or ankle carry isn't going to be any faster. In fact, tucked IWB carry of a mag may turn out down right difficult. Drawing an IWB tucked gun requires two hands, one to pull up the shirt and one to draw. If you do it one handed, then you have at least two stages - one to pull up and then one two draw assuming you get your hand under the untucked shirt and can draw the gun without it snagging in the process. Obviously, if you have your gun drawn and need a mag, the difficulty of the IWB tucked mag is not going to be very easy, efficient, or quick.

As for the "I'm packin'" photo vest, contrary to popular gun opionion, nobody outside the gun culture would even think that maybe you were packing. In general, folks are clueless. If you still think the photo look is bad, there are a who slew of various non-photo vests that are stylish and will still accomplish the goal of concealing a gun, phone, mag pouch, and knife that are all being worn on the belt. I have a couple of leather vests that are more fashion vests than functional carry vests that do very well. A friend of mine has some "Mexican tourist" vests he picks up south of the border which are nice handmade colorful vests, some of which are Mexican and at least one that is Peruvian Alpaca that is very nice, toasty in the winter, and looks absolutely nothing like it has anything to do with guns.

People who do a poor job of wearing a vest to conceal a gun generally do bad jobs at concealing anyway because they are new or uncomfortable with the task. I wear a variety of vests instead of going with an untucked shirt look. When I do wear my photo/safari type vests, I usually have the pockets loaded with all sorts of stuff for the kids such as snacks, wet wipes, spare diaper, maybe a juice bottle, cell phone, car keys, etc. When I have my kids at the mall, I don't carry the mobile deployment changing gear bag (diaper bag). Instead, I am in my tactical tot support vest that carries everything a diaper bag does plus conceals my gun gear. No doubt I have been the envy of other dads when they see me changing my kid in the rest room and I am just producing needed items from various pockets and they are carrying a flowered pink changing bag.

The trick with using photo vest is that you have to make it look like you are wearing it for a reason. The same goes for fanny packs (and not the black boxy leather ones, but ones that look like the ones normal non-gun people carry). If you wear a photo vest, you HAVE to put stuff in the pockets like keys, check book, cell phone, etc. It looks odd to see a person with that much carrying capacity and then you see him stuffing items into his pants pockets with some difficulty when he has so many other pockets available.

Same for a fanny pack. Don't get a boxy black leather one. It looks too much like nothing normal people carry. Get a condura nylon type fanny pack of fairly normal size. A fanny pack large enough to carry a full-sized 1911 is not a normal sized fanny pack. If you are going that large, then compare with the typical tourist gear and that size will have additional compartments for one or two water bottles (usually made for day hiking) and you don't want to be wearing that to the mall or out shopping.

If you get a fanny pack, then use it as a fanny pack. Watch the tourists. What do they put in their fanny packs? They have things like cell phones, wallets, keys, change, etc. If I see a guy with a fanny pack, keys hanging out of a front pocket, wallet in back pocket, cell phone on belt, then I have to question what the heck he has got in the fanny pack because it isn't anything that the normal non-gun folks will be carrying.

Simply stated, gun carrying people in photo vests and wearing fanny packs draw attention to themselves because they are not using their gear in a manner normal non-gun people would use the gear. Go figure.

So, bypass the photo vest and look for something a little more stylish, maybe colorful (helps to hide any printing issues) and wear it occasionally. Over the course of a few weeks, wear it more and more often. Soon, people will just associate you with that sort of clothing preference. PLus, you will start to behave in a more natural manner as if it really were your clothing preference and not simply a way of hiding a gun on your person.
I use an embroidered nylon Gerber multi-tool sheath that I bought at Academy. Nobody gives it a second glance.
I use my trusty back pocket. I carry a single stack though, works great for me. It's fairly quick to access.

I have found the best way to carry a spare magazine is inside a spare gun.

The post above by "Diaper-Vest Dad" is all good advice; a big fanny pack can be worn innocuously if worn with correct 'composure'; don't ignore cell phone/camera belt bags.

Balance, Grasshopper............
I carry my spare mags or Bianchi speed strips in my front or rear pockets. They are always carried in Uncle Mikes pocket holsters of appropriate size. Keeps 'em clean, dry, and ready to grab.
I bought a two dollar nylon knife sheath, cut the top off, and use that in my front pocket. It protects the cartridges from lint and dust, but is quick to draw. I find it very inconvenient to have to worry about concealing the mag pouches as well as a gun on the other side. That said, Don Hume makes some excellent mag pouches that ride very high and easy to conceal under a vest.