Concealed Carry License in West Virginia


New member
I'm considering getting my License to Carry, only occasionally, due to some health problems, and reduced ability to defend myself at the present time. I printed out the application to take into the sherrif's office with my fee.

As far as the handgun safety course, can anyone tell me what all is involved, and how long it takes? Is there a designated amount of shooting / range time involved, or is it decided by the instructor at the time.

What I'm getting at is, I'm having major problems with my back, and hip at the moment, thus dealing with lots of pain if I'm on my feet too long. I've been a hand gun owner / shooter for some 25+ yrs. Does that matter as far as grandfathering, etc?

Any info appreciated.

Josh P
I live in WV and Instruct the NRA Classes to obtain a WV CCW. There is no set time period. Any NRA Firearms Class will do but you have to fire a handgun doing the class. At least the 6 or 7 counties around me (Wetzel) require it. There is no course of fire that they have to shoot and score. In my class they fire 35 to 50 rounds. The first 6 to 10 rounns I have them load one round and fire. Then 5 at a time and make everyone shoot slow fire. Double Taps. Triple Taps. Weak Hand only. Strong Hand only. Use a flash site picture and fire. The only thing I watch is how they handle the firearm. Can they load it and unload it safely. Do they handle it safely. I use a 20" square cardboard target at 10 feet.
If you don't know a trainer in your area talk to your local sheriff. He/She will know the trainers in your area.

Stay Safe,
Gary Slider
At the course I took (in VA), we had one guy in a wheel chair, ask up front but I would not see any issue with shooting while sitting. If it is like the course I took it is primarily about safe handling not so much marksmanship. The wheel chair guy, shot better than most anyone else in the course.