Concealed carry in Minnesota -- help needed!!

cornered rat

Minnesotans are trying to win the PR campaign to get shall-issue laws on the books. We need help...especially testimonials from regular citizens and police officers alike. If you have a story in which carrying or having a gun saved a life or anything else positive, please email to me. If you are a cop and pro-CCW, *please* <a href="">email me</a> or Michelle.

If possible, please include your profession and location and anything else that I can put in the little article. If you have a portrait of yourself, please attach a scan (400 pixels, at least, not over-JPEGed), if possible. I am trying to put as much human interest into the stories as possible.

Thank you.

PS: And now for my effort, though I will be re-doing <a href="">this poster</a> to show a person in it.

If you believe in freedom and means of protecting might be a gun nut.
Try dejanews for "Your opinion on proposed legislation, please. " in mn.general
I am getting overwhelmed by idiotic replies and would appreciate help in setting the resord straigh (don't have enough time to answer all points) If anyone has time...
All you need to do is open a copy of American Rifleman and go to the Armed Citizen articles. These are newpaper stories that include the name of the paper, city and date.

BTW: I'm going to print that poster. I like it.
If you have, please post stories to the thread. Personal experience or stories about friends will do much more than American Rifleman reprints, if only because the sheeple dislike the NRA source.
Here's what my girlfriend and I posted just now...hope this well get through.
Dear Stalker, please write me a letter,

Remember when you started calling me two years ago? You told me how much you
knew about me, my name, where I lived, that I did not drive and so had to walk
to get anywhere. You kept calling me, sometimes daily, sometimes weekly, always
from blocked numbers.

I called the cops about you. Because they do not view stalking as "an immediate
threat", I had to leave a message. they responded two days later and told me to
write down the times when you called me. I learned how to trace phone calls
from the phone company. If the phone company traces three calls to the same
number, they would write a letter to my stalker. If my stalker called from
different or untraceable numbers, they cannot even do that much.

Now, my dearest stalker, I have a dilemma. You know, and you enjoy knowing, that
you have intimidated me. I cannot safely go out at night to watch a movie or to
buy a carton of milk. I dare not go anywhere alone. You can well imagine that
this limits my life considerably, especially here, where nights are long much of
the year and I do not get off work until after dark.

The police are of no help. They cannot station a cop by my door nor have one
escort me everywhere. Since I am not a politician, the State does not provide me
with a bodyguard and I cannot afford to hire one full-time.

I hope you don't mind that I have solved part of the problem. I can now feel
secure in my home, because I have means of defending myself here. The other
problem, how to survive outside of my home, remains.

In our state, getting a permit to carry requires showing a "compelling need."
That means that being a public figure or carrying large sums of money would
qualify me for a permit. Being merely a law-abiding woman pursued by a stalker
would not be a good enough reason from me to get a permit. If I had physical
evidence, perhaps a bullet hole or two in my windows, they would consider giving
me the permit.

So, my dear stalker, please write to me. A letter stating clearly who you are
and when you plan to attack me would go a long way toward convincing my local
Chief of Police that I deserve a means of self-protection.

=A woman in Minneapolis=
<a href="">Same old arguments, better organized than before</a>. Feel free to give advice, suggestions. Links are appreciated, too.

If you believe in freedom and means of protecting might be a gun nut.