Concealed Carry in Illinois...

Not with Blagojavich in office. He was at a dinner the other evening and was talking about wanting to ban all the ak's and other "assault" rifles "because people just don't need them". Oberwiese is pro CCW. I don't know about others. I watch Il closely as I live in St. Louis and have to work on both sides of the Mississipppi river.
Living in Illinois my whole life, I can safely say that Illinois will be the last state to get a CCW law.

When I was born the state was fifty percent republican and fifty percent democrat. Since then, with the continued urbanization of the state and the growth of Chicago and suburbs, it has become increasingly liberal and a home for Rino (republican in name only) republicans and liberal democrats. Conservative republicans and democratics have become marginalized in their parties and have no real power. The state like New York and California has become a reliable democratic stronghold during Presidential elections.

There is only one state wide republican office holder, who is a moderate and who is running for the governorship. The senate and house are controlled by the democrats. It is only because the current democratic governor is so loathed, even by members of his own party that Topinka has a chance to win. Right now the state is run out of Chicago by the Mayor, such that the governor doesn't even reside in the state capital or the governor's mansion.

It is a flat out miracle that the draconion so called, "assault weapon ban," pushed by the Mayor and Blago hasn't passed. The reason it hasn't is due partially to the good fight fought by the NRA, ISRA, and downstate legislators; but primarily due to the ineptitiude and arrogance of its proponents - who wrote it so sloppily and over-broad that it would have banned shotguns and muzzle loaders in some of its early drafts.

So what are the prospects of CCW law in Illinois?

Nil, unless the stars align and:

1. the mayor gets indicted by the feds for all the corrupt deals in Chicago

2. a moderate republican governor is elected and decides that they are for CCW or at least not opposed.

3. the current actively anti-gun leadership of the house and senate is deposed.

4. Illinois is the last state in the nation to ban CCW.

1, 2, and 4 are very possible in the none to distant future, if not probable.
Number 3 is the least likely and I don't see it in the near future, because the Chicago democrats will always run the democratic party in Illinois and the republican party is frankly a joke at this time - the conservatives and rinos destroy each fighting for control of the party and by the general election can't run a slate of credible candidates. :( :mad:

But we who are condemned to live here must still fight the good fight, God willing perhaps someday we may win. But it is going to be a long, long, long haul.
I don't know, Wisconsin was the last state to legalize pepper spray. We'll see in November, but you might not be the last state.