Concealed carry and Motorcycle riding, need advice please.


New member
For those of us who like to ride, I'm curious as to how you effectively manage to carry concealed.

My bike is a crotch rocket so it typically has a pretty aggressive riding position which has my handgun printing pretty badly against my shirt or coat.

I've considered getting a shoulder holster for such occasions but it doesn't lend itself well for when I'm wearing my riders gear and there are times that it would likely be very visible if I were to be riding with an open jacket.

I'm also finding my CZ75 Compact doesn't seem to be as well suited for this task with the way I'm currently carrying it (at an appendix inside the waistband carry currently)

I'd really rather avoid doing open carry if at all possible, since I don't like the idea of others knowing that I'm packing.
When I was riding, GoldWing, Valkyrie, and an 1800 VTX, it was a fanny pack, but that won't work on a sport bike. Tank bag or back pack are probably your best options for comfort.
I ride a Cruiser, so may not be much help here. My jacket (and no I don't wear leather) has an inside breast pocket just the perfect size for a S&W J-Frame. But, I don't really like that, because during a crash, that handgun will do serious damage to your body by impaling itself into your ribs. Usually I carry in my saddle bags, but a crotch rocket doesn't have saddle bags, so try the jacket thing.
I appendix carry IWB a Taurus TCP and it stays put and stays hidden because of its small size. It is the best solution for me.
2 options...

Kimio said:
"My bike is a crotch rocket so it typically has a pretty aggressive riding position which has my handgun printing pretty badly against my shirt or coat.

I've considered getting a shoulder holster for such occasions but it doesn't lend itself well for when I'm wearing my riders gear and there are times that it would likely be very visible if I were to be riding with an open jacket.

I'm also finding my CZ75 Compact doesn't seem to be as well suited for this task with the way I'm currently carrying it (at an appendix inside the waistband carry currently)

I'd really rather avoid doing open carry if at all possible, since I don't like the idea of others knowing that I'm packing."
I'm a rider who has been riding with a CCW for more than a decade. During that time I've tried nearly every option available. I've also dropped the bike while carrying, which sort of cleared up a few issues that had been "abstract" up until the time I met Mr. Asphalt.

In my opinion, you basically have two categories:

1. Inside jacket/vest pocket(s). This limits you to handguns the size of S&W J-frames (which are excellent options). Pistols this size include Kahr PM9 and PM40. They'll generally fit in either the inside pocket or outer pockets of both leather jackets and nylon jackets such as Joe Rocket.

2. All other options. Lots of guys carry lots of different ways, but nearly all of them have drawbacks of either function, (lack of) concealment, or the potential for (gun-related) injury if you go down on the bike.

Some of the more common include:
  • OWB shows beneath many motorcycle jackets and vests, which are generally shorter at the waistline;
  • IWB conceals better. The handgun is often at your hip, however. Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) training notes that hips generally do a lot of sliding when riders go down. [Another note is that while touring, if you drop trou to use a public toilet your pistol is either on the floor at your feet, potentially accessible beneath a partition, or else in your hand. Neither situation is ideal];
  • Shoulder holsters often conceal better, but unless they're strapped to you they can shift fore and aft, particularly if your jacket is unzipped and/or if you're leaning forward while riding a crotch-rocket;
  • Some riders find "tanker-style" holsters offer the best compromise, although riders who use them generally ride with their jackets zipped up;
  • For near-total concealment, most riders admit that in-pocket carry conceals best, but it limits the size of the handgun you can carry concealed.

There are no excellent compromises - you give up something in nearly all cases. It really comes down to how and where you're riding, and with whom; and what works best for you is something you discover.

Among those who carry larger handguns than will fit in a pocket, something like Ted Blocker's 'Huckleberry' rig might meet most of their needs:

The same idea in El Paso's 'military' rig looks similar (click on 'view larger image'):

Finally, this topic is pretty routinely explored on TFL. If you hit Search and enter key words like "CCW" and "motorcycle" you'll find quite a few threads over the years where many members have related their own experiences. Makes for interesting reading, if you're trying to find out what might work best for you.
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I've covered about 70k miles on two wheels through the years, but have not owned a bike for about 10 years and a CCW permit was not an option when I did.
I tend to wear button up collared shirts virtually all the time, my chosen means of carry is a Kangaroo holster under that shirt over a wife beater. If I were still riding, I believe that would remain my chosen means of carry while riding.
As was pointed out, anything you choose will require some sacrifice in one area or another, but depending you might find a Kangaroo a viable option especially with an open jacket.
I ride a 67 Triumph T100 R. What I do is bolt a holster inside my inside vest pocket cross draw style. I warm weather I just ride with the vest colder weather I wear my lather jacket over top and chaps if needed.

This year if I go to riding with my Star instead one of my wheelguns I wil pick up another holster to bolt inside my vest. If you havent got a vest to wear under your leather jacket then maybe a gun vest would work.
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I ride a concours 14 (large somewhat comfortable sport bike). The only way I have found to carry is pocket with a lcp. Not easy to get to while riding but I am not that concerned with needing it when riding. Pretty much figure I can outrun just about anything I would need to. More concerned when I am off the bike(getting fuel, stretching legs etc). I have tried iwb carry and the pistol kept getting shown due to the jacket riding up. I have also heard of carry in a tank bag works well for sportbikes. My only problem with that is that the pistol is easy to get if you are away from the bike. Also kinda problematic getting it out and putting it somewhere else when you leave you bike depending on where you are at. The tank bag could be setup to give fairly easy access to the ccw while riding or at stoplights etc. I have also tried to the jacket pocket idea and it works decent but not the easiest to get to depending on jacket and if its warm and you don't want to take your jacket with you when you leave the bike you still have to figure out what to do with it. I have lockable paniers on my bike so that helps keep it secure.
i ride sports bikes as well. Years ago i bought one of those magnetic tank bags to hold all my goodies, it easily transfers bike to bike and you can just dump all your pockets into it basically (cell phone, wallet, sunglasses, ccw) and go. Mine also pops off and turns into a backpack should i want. Riding a sportbike you move around alot, im always scared things are going to be falling out of my pockets if i dont use the bag.
Corbin makes what they call their "Smuggler" seat for many models. It effectively adds a small lockable trunk to your bike. Might be a reasonable alternative if you have to drive through a non-firearm-friendly state.
I ride a ZX-14 and carry using a fanny pack made for concealed carry. It has a compartment that uses a velcro strip for fast/easy access and has a second main compartment for your wallet, watch, key, whatever. Slide it to your rear/back for riding and slide it around frontor side for refueling, nature breaks, walking around. Mine is leather and looks decent with riding gear. Do a search on fanny pack CCW and you'll find lots to choose from. I bought the leather version and had it "stamped/embossed" with ZX-14. Looks like just another motorcycle accessory. I'm sure something like GSXR or Hayabusa could be done.

... Larry S.
I was involved in a crash on my Goldwing a couple years ago.

I had my Kahr K9 holstered inside my jacket chest pocket. I carried it unchambered and fortunately I didn't land on it, but my helmet took a beating.:eek:

My advice, DON'T wear it on your hip. My Victorinox on my side did gouge my left hip a bit and a steel gun would have done a lot of damage. Ironically my watch did worse.:rolleyes:
Riding in AZ the joke (kind of) is when you see a gaggle of bikers how do you determine which are the felons? Answer, the ones who's guns are not showing:eek:

I ride too (gun on hip for world to see), so not intended to be a biker slam:)
I don't ride and I don't carry but use to have a friend that did both.
The fellow in question was part time cop, rode a full dress hog and carried in a shoulder holster...............a big old Colt .45 1911. Since he was riding he always had on a light jacket, usually zipped up!
Nice guy, one of the easiest going people I've ever know! (This was about forty years ago):)
I appendix carry a TCP or SD9VE in a good IWB holster. I have had not problems at all and any delay getting to it is due to my riding gloves.
I suggest a tank bag with a small pocket that is easily accessible and that you can dedicate to the gun only. The big main pocket on a tank bag usually has too much stuff in it, and fishing the gun out of there might take some time.