Concealed carry and a congressman

S.C. congressman pulled a gun at a meeting about gun laws today, explaining "I'm not going to be a Gabby Giffords"

Could this guy be violating the law, by pulling his weapon? Looks like S. C. Prohibits open carry.
So...if GG would have had a gun on her, she wouldn't have been shot? She would have seen Loughner in the crowd drawing his weapon and she would have beat him to it and not been shot? This congressman seems like a real dingbat to me--both for pulling out the gun and for saying what he said. I'm sure the video will be making the rounds on social media in no time.
NO he was telling the NUTS that he believes that we have the wright to carry so we can protect his self and his family. He might had said that I am carrying before he show his gun. But he got it across to them that we should be able to carry are guns!!!!!!
The point he was trying to make is that a gun lying on a desk/table isn't going to spontaneously shoot anyone. From the article, it sounds like at least some of the anti-gunners felt unsafe at the mere sight of a [GASP!] gun. That's the downside of kowtowing to concealed carry laws. Yes, we get to carry -- but the blissninnies never see a gun, so they aren't accustomed to seeing guns in benign circumstances and this leads to more panic at the sight of an actual firearm.

Proof? There was a recently reported incident in which a uniformed LEO was asked to leave a restaurant because a customer felt uncomfortable seeing a gun -- worn by a uniformed cop. That level of idiocy IMHO needs to be confronted. I'm not sure this was the best way to do it, but it was his office. "my house, my rules" -- the anti-gunners were free to leave if the sight of a gun scared them that badly.
The reason I asked is because a nephew emailed me and asked about the CC law and wonders if the congressman shouldn't have pulled out the firearm. Being a non concealed carry permitee, my best resource is TFL.
The point he was trying to make is that a gun lying on a desk/table isn't going to spontaneously shoot anyone.

Well, he apparently didn't do a very good job of making his point. The law in SC doesn't allow open carry. Also, this was at a diner where he was having one of those town hall type meetings, not his office. I get it that some people have an irrational fear of guns, and we need to find effective ways of countering that fear. But pulling out his gun in public was a bad idea that could land him in trouble with the SC law.
Pulling a gun out of the holster in a room full of people is very dangerous. Also, if you unholster a gun, in a room full of people, then turn it horizontally so that it can be laid on a table, you’ve most likely flagged someone.

Not the best form of demonstration, and it makes gun owners look bad.

He says that he will continue to do this demonstration at future constituent meetings. I would like to see a video of him doing it, although I hope some reasonable people advise him not to do it.
No matter what a gun owner does or doesn't do, they will be demonized. Did he sweep anyone while drawing or laying the gun down? No way to know unless there is video from several angles.

It doesn't take much to scare a hoplophobe and we all know that. Was anyone shot? Did he suddenly become a murderer when the crowd learned he had a gun?

Looks like having a gun doesn't make someone a killer. Looks like guns don't shoot on their own.
It doesn't take that much to scare me. Be real - it was stupid. Draw your gun when you shouldn't at a match and class full of gun folks and you get the boot.

Don't make excuses for stupid because he is progun.
Don't make excuses for stupid because he is progun.

Is there an example of me criticizing an anti gunner for doing the same thing?

Until that's found, it's kinda rude to assume motives.
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So... Gabby Gifford should have returned fire before she was unexpectedly shot in the head at point blank range? Or after so no-one else was shot?

His reasoning was stupid.

He drew and flouted his concealed carry gun and demonstrated the antithesis of responsible firearm possession.

His actions were stupid
I agree that it was irresponsible and did not help our cause. Drawing a gun in a room full of anti-gun zeolots to make the point that guns are not dangerous is sure to reinforce the stereotype of those of us who carry as dangerous to the public at large. I think the congressman wanted to get a couple of minutes in the spotlight while pandering to the pro-gun crowd. As a card carrying member of that group, it is my opinion that we don't need that kind of help.