Conceal Carry on hip under coat question


For those of you who carry a handgun on your hip under a sport coat or blazer or suit, I'd like to hear your thoughts on this.
I carry my gun under my coat on my hip between 3 and 5 o'clock position. Ordinarily when I am walking around, you'd never know I have a gun on. However, whenever I bend over or lean over sitting down, you can see something under my coat sticking bulging through the back and side of my coat. I have been carrying in this way for about 6 months now and nobody has ever said anything to me about it. I ask my CHL instructor about it, and he said that as long as the gun is UNDER something then you are legally concealed. Doesn't matter if there is a bulge as long as the weapon is concealed. Fine with me, I want to be legal. But I'd rather have as little notice of there being a gun there as possible. A friend of mine pointed mine out to me bulging under the coat the other day. First time anybody noticed. Of course anybody familiar guns or specifically looking for it or really just anybody with a lively imagination will say "hey I'll bet that guy as a gun." Legal or not, I'd rather people not even have a guess. The CHL told me that people can tell when your carrying, there is only so much you can do, but as long as the gun is under your coat or fully in your pocket you are fine.

Anybody have any thoughts or recommendations? Anybody ever had any problems carrying this way? This is for those of you who carry in the same way I do.
I carry this way every day.

First advice - don't bend over. If you drop a 100 dollar bill on the floor, don't just bend over and pick it up. Bend at the knee. Squat down. Whatever. It's better for your back.

Second advice, don't be paranoid. If you act like everything is normal, you would walk around without your jacket and most people wouldn't notice you were carrying. A jacket is very good concealment. They might see a bulge, but they won't be able to make out what it is. If someone asks, say, "It's my cell phone." If they get insistant, pull them to the side and whisper to them in confidence, "Look, I don't want everybody to know this, but it's really isn't my cell phone. It's my colostomy bag. Don't say anything, OK?"

Third advice - the most dangerous thing about wearing a jacket is sitting in a narrow chair with arms. Instant reveal... When you sit down, always make sure your jacket drapes between you and the arm of the chair and not over it.

About the "bending down thing":

I find it best to keep your back straight, and kneel down onto your strong-side knee (for most of us that would be our right knee). This keeps your rig in the same position as if you were standing. With a litle practice, it will become routine and no one will think differently.

I've found myself practicing this even more, since one of my jobs allows me to CCW while at work (well, there's no written policy; they don't ask and I don't tell ;) ). At that job, I'm surrounded by a lot of people while doing my job. Why I carry there? I work as a dispatcher for a courier company in the evenings (where I'm at right now as I type this) whose office is located in a strip mall in a not-so-great part of town, with plenty of dark spots. We're a 24/7 business, and I'm the only one here in the evening after it gets dark. With a glass door and me "flying solo," it could be awful inviting to a potential BG looking to get some money or valuables. I also have to go outside to smoke, so that puts me in a "less than desirable" position as well.

Why not work somewhere else? Because I make in 2 days at this 35-hour-per week job what I make at my other, 40-hour-per-week job. :D

Sorry to get off subject there. Oh yeah, I've also found I print less with the gun closer to the 3:00 position, just in case I accidentally forget the "kneel" and bend at the waist. :eek:

Doug, . . . there are several things you can do:

A, . . . of course don't bend, . . . already stated. Because of a bad back and bad knees, . . . I have to do the old golfer thing, . . . rotate on one hip, keeping strong side leg fairly straight, . . . doesn't reveal anything.

B, . . . my one .38 revolver prints far worse than my .45, . . . and all of my OWB holsters print far worse than any of my IWB's. Best for me is an IWB at 4 oclock and at about a 30 degree forward cant.

C, . . . a shoulder holster will not print hardly at all, . . . and it is just a bit slower than a belt holster. It is my best concealed "all day" carry, . . . no one has a clue I am armed, . . . though if I can I would rather use my Galco paddle as it is a little more comfortable.

D, . . . an IWB tuckable is also a good choice as you also then have the shirt material absorbing some of the print, . . . and if you have to shuck the jacket, . . . you are still concealed.

May God bless,
Bending at the knee is great advice but don't forget to always reach up with your weak hand. Reaching up with your gun hand will lift your jacket. This includes simple things like closing your trunk, turning on a light switch (the string type for those who still have them), or retrieving things off a shelf.

One other thing to consider. Have you considered going with a smaller gun? :D
Don't worry about it. 99.99999% of the time, no one is going to notice a bulge or a print, and even if they do, they don't think "gun".

Gunnies may think or know "gun" but the libs, the one's that we are most afraid of, won't think that. They refuse to think that someone in their mist has a gun on them. It just won't compute.

As for them seeing it in the open, that is another post :). But, learn to bend at your knees. I have a bad back, I can go from walking upright to crawling within seconds if I do something wrong. One of the bad things about muscle denigration is that the smaller musles (which includes the back) are the first ones to be "eaten up". This will make the shirt or jacket move with you and not raise up.

I have just learned something from stephen426, I never thought about when I use my strong hand that it causes the jacket or tucked in shirt to either raise or to tighten around the gun... hmmm, that is why I love this place, I learn something every day.

But, honestly, I wouldn't worry about it. Most of the people won't even notice. To make an analogy that I hope won't shut down the thread and this is for the men:

Have you ever got a semi HO or a full HO in public (and you don't know why, underwear hit just right, etc, etc...) and you thought the whole world saw it as you find a "safe place" to adjust? While you're walking in a panic, scanning the area and the people, no one notices? You get to a safe place, adjust, and then walk out with a sheepish look on your face and then you realized that no one noticed (and then you start to think if you are adaquate enough).

That is the exact same as carrying the gun, full sized or not. No one notices, the only one that really does is the one that is carrying the gun, that would be you.

Bending at the knee is great advice but don't forget to always reach up with your weak hand. Reaching up with your gun hand will lift your jacket. This includes simple things like closing your trunk, turning on a light switch (the string type for those who still have them), or retrieving things off a shelf.

Not only have I considered carrying a smaller gun, I have a S&W .32 mag. But I would rather have the larger caliber and more powerful .38 special with the full potential of it's 4 inch barrel.

I would also add to your list this: Remember when sitting in a restaraunt, remember when you stretch your arms after the meal or after a long day DON'T RAISE YOUR ARMS ABOVE OR BEHIND YOUR HEAD TO STRETCH. :eek: Stretch your arms forward level with with your head. You might not get the full stretch you want, but it will do fine until you get to your car or home.
Gunnies may think or know "gun" but the libs, the one's that we are most afraid of, won't think that. They refuse to think that someone in their mist has a gun on them. It just won't compute

Well, about 10 years ago my first year in college I had a silly little old Liberal woman professor one class period substituting for the regular liberal professor. She was proud of Big Government. Alexander Hamilton was her favorite founding father becaue he wanted a centralized government and a national bank, etc. and she thought Jefferson was a country boob who couldn't write worth a flip (right, he wrote sloppy documents like the Declaration of Independence :p ) She thought Geo. Washington was a confused man who didn't have a clue how to deal with politics and was easily swayed by Hamilton (this is the man who beat the british and kept the independent minded sovereign states united under one banner to defeat the british) Anyway, she commented, as liberal professors are always quick to mouth off their ridiculous revolutionary opinions to young folks 18-25, once that it always scared her when she was out in traffic or in public to think about how many people around her were carrying GUNS!! :eek: . I commented in between her bantering that what scared me was that there are PEOPLE out there who are willing to try to kill me with a gun and I would be glad to have a gun to shoot back :D
Anyway, liberals are scared of the thought of anybody but "qualified" :rolleyes: (meaning police, FBI, or any other government controlled individual) men out there carrying guns to protect us from all those dangerous ordinary folks out there :o
I just thought up a few more myself:

Waving hello (a full wave versus a half wave)
Hailing a cab
Grabbing a safety bar on a subway or bus (if anyone takes public transportation)
Grabbing a safety bar on a subway or bus (if anyone takes public transportation)

In Houston, you're not allowed to wear a gun in public transportation vehicle. (Metro) :rolleyes: Makes it easier for the muggers and gangsters to pull their guns and shoot up the bus or mug you :rolleyes: This really hasn't become a problem.....yet
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i thought the city couldn't resrict CHL'ers from carrying on City property.

no where in the code does it say that City busses are off limits to carry and i haven't seen a 30.06 on any bus.

can you show me where you found out you can't carry on Houston metro?

i thought the city couldn't resrict CHL'ers from carrying on City property.

I thought the 30.06 only applied to private businesses. But if you look at any of the Metro bus stop bench covers I think you will find a sign that says no handguns allowed or something to that effect. In fact, and I'll have to double check my manuel, I think one of the place carrying is off limits is public transportation vehicle. They can restrict you from carrying on city property. Like you can't carry in city Hall because it's a governmental building or an HISD school because it's a governmental building
Seems ridiculous I know, but you can't even carry a gun in a little post office (yes I mean the little ones about the size of a port-o-let in caution light towns), or a national park a parade or a sports event like at the Astrodome or Minute Maid park or I think even state parks.
no but 1) you can't slip your belt through the loops of the holster and straps at the bottom. and 2) even if you don't use hte belt loops or don't have them on your type of shoulder holster, the buldge will be very obvious through your shirt. Plus it would kinda be hard to get to with your shirt buttoned up.

Doug, . . . you are partially correct in your last post, . . .

Correct: 1) you can't slip your belt through the loops of the holster and straps at the bottom.

Incorrect: 2) even if you don't use hte belt loops or don't have them on your type of shoulder holster, the buldge will be very obvious through your shirt.

Incorrect: Plus it would kinda be hard to get to with your shirt buttoned up.

Using a Galco Jackass rig, . . . or similar type, . . . you do not need belt loops at all unless you have an 8 inch Ruger Super Redhawk under the weak arm. The weapon and two mags of ammo (weapon on one side, ammo on other) will generally balance each other out. I carry a full size SA stainless 1911 this way, . . . with no trouble.

Unless you are wearing a body hugger type shirt, . . . or a very filmy thin silk type shirt, . . . you should have no trouble with a standard "muzzle up" shoulder rig, . . . or a horizontal even. I use it with standard Walmart button down cotton shirts. If you wear a pullover and a "muzzle up", . . . you are no slower than a tuckable IWB.

May God bless,

It really is not harder to retrieve, it is just a little trickier, . . . but that is why we practice. Believe me, . . . a two handed "Superman Shirt rip" will deal with the buttons if needed (go to goodwill, . . . buy a half dozen used shirts and try it).