Conceal Carry in Colorado, Blackhawk Casinos, and DIA


New member
OK my Colorado Brothers and Sisters. I've been trying to do some research on whether or not there are casinos, hotels, etc... in Blackhawk that have "NO FIREARMS ALLOWED" postings. Same with DIA airport. I tried calling the Colorado Bureau of Investigation, but they seem like morons. They seem correct about blackhawk; although their answer was basically; "You can carry there, unless the restaurant, casino, hotel, etc... had a No Firearms Allowed sign posted". I said I knew that, but that's the same rule as if ANY private business or property had a sign. So at least there apparently doesn't seem to be any city, county, or state ordinance that says I can't carry in Blackhawk and the casinos/hotels. My question to those of you who spend more time in the Blackhawk area than I do is; do you know of any places in Blackhawk that have some signs/restrictions posted??? Or do you know of a site that monitors such things????

The other question was about Denver International Airport. Of course, CBI was totally useless. The first think out of the lady's mouth was; "That's an airport, you definitely can't carry a gun there. Everyone knows that". Of course I had to remind her that just because it was an airport didn't mean that. I know that any place that there is a security station and/or metal detectors and such; that no weapons are allowed beyond that point into the sterile/restricted areas. But my interest was the common areas of the airport, such as picking up friends and relatives and getting their baggage. Dropping people off at the airport. When I pressed CBI to quote me some sort of ordinance or law, she said hold on. She wanted to check with her co-workers. She came back and said they didn't know of an actual statute, but they are sure that there's no way you can carry a weapon into an airport. She suggested I check with TSA. I informed her that TSA was responsible for the actual TRANSPORTATION portion of the airport; hence the name: "Transportation Security Administration". Well, I called them, and they said that they were only concerned with once you came into the secured areas and was destined to board a plane. And that obviously, they do not allow weapons. I agreed. As for the airport itself, the gentleman said that each airport in property of the city, county, or state and whatever the laws there are is what matters. Yup, I agree.

Unfortunately, that is the problem. According to the "COLORADO" concealed carry information, as long as I am not entering the secure/sterile/restricted area of the airport (The part where ticketed customers go through security); then it is OK to conceal carry. Some other people say that DIA is considered part of Denver, and that it's not allowed to carry in the airport at all. "Even though no one has shown me anything in writing that says I can't". It's very confusing. I drive to DIA from Wyoming quite often to drop off and pick up friends, relative, associates, etc... I never like the idea of leaving my gun in my car. I've had cars broken into; and I can deal with a stereo being stolen. A gun, I couldn't live with myself. So, do any of you good Colorado folks know about any restrictions in Blackhawk or any detailed information about DIA? thanks a lot.
Have you contacted a Colorado attorney, rather than ask a bunch of unkowns on the internet ? What was their reply ?
Referring to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation as morons is not going to help you find answers to your questions.

Why not try an advocacy group like the state association. In less than 30 seconds I just found the web site for the Colorado State Shooting Association. That might be a good place to check.
Well, considering I was asking colorado residents; I wasn't really expecting an answer from folks in California or Oklahoma. Nothing personal. I don't need a lawyer. And if you read the entire post, part of it was concerning "No Firearm Allowed" signs in Blackhawk. We don't need lawyers for that. Just some fantastic colorado residents who happen to go to Blackhawk on occasion and know if there are any casinos or hotels with signs on it. I don't consider those people "UNKOWNS".

And I don't really think calling the person I spoke with at CBI a moron will have any impact whatsoever on getting an answer about denver international airport. Why? Because I really doubt that the people working at CBI are sitting on these forums answering questions.

Maybe in states like California, the rules are so strict and complicated that you need lawyers. I can understand that. (30 years ago, I was from New Jersey). But colorado, wyoming, and many other states have excellent laws concerning concealed carry. We don't need lawyers. Well, not for everything. (Had to qualify that in case my wife read this thread. Wouldn't want her or her law firm to take it the wrong way. LOL!!!) It's just that DIA airport is considered part of the city of Denver, and may have additional rulings. A colorado resident can probably answer or lead me in the right direction. I guess I should have been more clear about "who" I was asking. I admit that someone who isn't from Colorado, answering a question about a town in Colorado, would in fact be considered a "Bunch of Unknowns".
If Blackhawk is a reservation (Which it sounds like it is) they can come up with just about any rule they wanted. They have quite a bit more leeway with coming up with their own set of laws and rules than the average citizen.

Check with the local NRA, they probably know.

I was up in Blackhawk just last week. I do not believe I have ever seen a "No Firearms" sign at any of the Casinos. Now granted, I don't get to many of the casinos (we pretty much just head up there to eat at the buffet at either Ameristar or the Lodge). I have been in probably at least 5 or 6 casinos with my CCW and never had a 2nd thought about it. Again, I wasn't specifically looking for any "No Firearms" signs, but if there were any, I think they would have "jumped out at me" as I carry pretty frequently and that is always something that is in the back of my mind. Also, I haven't been out to DIA in some time (probably about 3-4 months or so), but for the life of me, I don't ever remember seeing a "No Firearms" sign there either. I know these are not definitive answers, but maybe it will help a little. The best place to post your question would probably be:

Good Luck!!
Anything relating to Denver and firearms gets...complicated. Denver tries to play by its own rules.

Honestly, I think calling DIA and asking one of their security managers (or some such person) would be a good option. Also, calling the State AG's office might prove useful.
kplender and raimus, thanks for the responses. NJgunowner; Blackhawk isn't an indian reservation, it's a town. But I could definitely understand how you might think it was a reservation.

KP; glad to hear that the casinos/restaurants in Blackhawk appear to be pretty 2A and CCW friendly. I usually get up there only about 2-3 times a year. But because of high school and college graduations for my kids, I haven't been up there since last July. Just wondering if anyone had seen any posted signs.

As for DIA, I did check with the airport security. They referred my to a statute that I had already read. And it makes reference only to the "Secure/Sterile/Restricted" areas of the airport. Basically where there is a metal detector or security check point. They really didn't have an opinion about about CCW in the other areas such as ticket counter, check-in, baggage claim, food court, etc... It seems that unless they added additional security checks at the entrance of the DIA facility, there would be no issues. Mainly because they could never possibly know. Not unless a person was the type who does a lousy job of concealing. I.e. Reach for your wallet and your shirt moves and a person sees the gun. That's not a concern of mine, because my concealed weapon is in a boot-ankle configuration. And unless they made me remove my boots, there's no way anyone would ever know.

Anyway, thanks for the info. Hoping for a nice relaxing weekend at blackhawk this weekend. DIA, I will just continue on, and continue to monitor the colorado concealed type forums; which currently pretty much everyone who has researched this come to the same results. That you CAN carry concealed until you reach the secure/restricted/sterile areas. Thanks again.,
For those in the Colorado, Wyoming, Rocky Mountain region area who care. Just came back from Blackhawk/Central City Colorado for the weekend. Didn't do as well as I'd have liked on the craps and poker tables. That aside, I thought some might like to know that there wasn't 1 "No firearms allowed" sign to be found at any of the hotels, restaurants, casinos, etc... So, if you're planning a trip, and are authorized to carry, you can feel comfortable. I would however strongly advise AGAINST OPEN CARRY. I don't know the rules there, but I can tell you that it probably wouldn't go over too well. (Many visitors from out of state AND out of Country). But the towns and the businesses have no prejudice against concealed carry. Not unless I missed something posted some place.