Compulsory Carry

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tighty whitey

New member
an idea who's time has come? Wouldn't we, as individuals be better off if all people that can lawfully carry a firearm be required to carry a firearm? What say you?
an idea who's time has come? Wouldn't we, as individuals be better off if all people that can lawfully carry a firearm be required to carry a firearm? What say you?

Um first thought that comes to my head are HECK NO!!!

I know many many people who legally can own a gun, and could get a carry permit, that I'd do about anything to keep from doing so.

These are the same people that make me cringe each time I see them behind the wheel.

Even if you could avoid those people, you still have problems.

When your dealing with lethal weapons in public, the people carrying them have to be not only able, but willing to use those weapons.

If they aren't, then we'll have a whole lot of folks getting killed with the pistol they weren't willing to use.
When your dealing with lethal weapons in public, the people carrying them have to be not only able, but willing to use those weapons.

If they aren't, then we'll have a whole lot of folks getting killed with the pistol they weren't willing to use.


Most of us here are all about free choice. If you want to carry, fine. Get trained up, and licensed up (except AK & VT) and go about your merry way.

Those who do not share the same pursuit as us might not be such great candidates for CC.

Them being "required" to carry is just as much of an infringement on their rights as them baning us from being able to do so.

To each his/her own, and let them make this very serious decision themselves.
The 2nd amendment guarantees our (natural) right to keep and bear arms. So, as a right, each of us has the ability to choose how to exercise it, and part of that choice is to not exercise it.

I think that our country has spent so much time trying to use government to strong arm our fellow Americans into living the way we think they should that we've forgotten what the role of government should be. Government shouldn't be about telling us how to live. It should be about protecting our freedoms and rights so we can choose for ourselves how we want to live.
I support this as forced spending will occur and more tax dollars will flow into the coffers of our efficient governments from sales tax, tax on the revenue of gun companies, income tax as they add new employees. Not to say the taxes on ammo.

I also support mandatory training for all.

However, if you are low income, I support government subsidies for folks to buy guns and get training. No one should be untrained or carry a low quality gun. A tax of luxury ammo (exotic HPs) and hunting ammo (a luxury) should suffice.

I also support a massive research project to develop guns appropriate for the elderly. Many current guns are not human factored for the elderly and new models will have to be developed. I just read a review article of human factors in electronic devices for the elderly. This opens a whole new area. It can be paid for by a massive tax on Viagra.

From my own area - we need guns for those with low vision. New sighting appartus will need to be developed. Certainly, even those with low vision must carry.

I would mandate that all public toilets be equipped with a gun shelf for comfort and convenience.

I would also mandate that everyone go to church/temple (or whatever) and read books from the library. We have a free press and freedom of religion - let's make sure that they are used.

I also support equal rights for trolls. :D
Oh, come on now. In the roots of the idea is merit. It sounds almost Posse Comitautus (?) in nature. All able bodied men (persons) have training and yes, get Government subsidized ammo, or guns also if they are poor.

Lots of small issues to be worked out of course. I think it should be voluntary, but with much much encouragement and education for more and continued participation. Of course, part of the voluntary would be qualification.

No can still carry but ammo is on you, and all safety requirements and so forth.

Pass? All ammo is subsidized, and advanced training if one wants it.

We would be the strongest nation on earth.

We can all wake up now, we've obviously slept late and are dreaming...
I think there's a distinction between carrying a handgun for your own self defense and the notion of militia service for protection of the state. The OP actually doesn't say, but I was under the impression of the former.

However, as to the latter, I'm not really sure if compulsory militia service would work under the Constitution - it seems like another form of involuntary servitude, but I really need to think about it some more. Practically, I think it would be incredibly wise for each of the states to run a voluntary militia training program. No enrollment for basic training and such, just open up the training facilities and sessions to people of the local area (local area being key, just a simple DL check is all that's needed).

A little off topic, but I recently was thinking about joining a gym, but prices are rather high in my area. There's a NG station in our town so I got the idea that, if there's daily PT going on at the station, why couldn't local people join them each morning for a work out? It would help the community, help the NG recruitment, allow the community to see what happens there, etc. I couldn't think of a good reason NOT to allow this as long as civilian participants could drop out of the PT at any time.

I think that would be a great model for the 'unorganized militia'. If the local NG base does range training at 3pm on Thursdays, let the civilians join in with their own firearms. Who knows, their recruitment numbers may go up. :-)

Same could be done for local police departments too.
We are the strongest nation on Earth - and it isn't due to folks caring small arms. If we want to be stronger - we would be better with kids paying attention in school. Those who want to go to the library can. With 40 states being shall issue, many of those who want to carry can.

I think this one is going to take us to silly season.

I'm going to make a decision. We want this to be a serious forum.

It's closed.
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