Component Trading


New member
Any of you guys have extra components you don't use or have a need for and want to trade for something you could use. Maybe some will want to list your wants in For Sale forum.
brass and bullet needs

I need 9mm Makarov brass and can use 2-6 30-30 Barnes round nose bullets. Darn CA banned lead bullets for hunting and I only need a few on hand just in case the 30-30s for hunting. I know that tests should be made but I'll take the most common pet load within safe specifications and use that. A bullet can be used to test the POI. Anyone have any odd bullets on their shelf they aren't using?

I have a lot of brass otherwise. I have the "old" 155 and 160SMP Sierra bullets. I also have a box of 7-168 Sierra MKs. I have others. If anyone wants to trade tablespoons of powder paint, they can be mailed inexpensively in an envelope. I have pink, baby blue, orange, bronze gold, and manila
I was looking through a box of brass yesterday and found a bag of about 40 .30-30 brass. I'll look around for some .30-30 projos, if you want to do a trade?
30-30 components

I don't need 30-30 brass. I need a few lead free bullets. What else do you have laying around?
I did a little spelunking today but didn't find what I was looking for. I'll have to bring in the heavy equipment and see if I can find any other .30-30 stuff.
I have some 10,000+ pieces of 9mm luger brass - primers pulled - cleaned - sorted by head stamp. Wanting .40 brass - non military Winchester and GECO preferred, but will take just about any head stamp other than Blazer, Aguila, or Perfecta.
This forum generally wants for-sale and wanted listings in the classifieds section.
However, reloading-specific items are generally allowed in this sub-forum.

If you need or want, you can post here.

Wanting .40 brass - non military Winchester and GECO preferred, but will take just about any head stamp other than Blazer, Aguila, or Perfecta.
Blazer .40 S&W brass is the same as CCI, Federal, and Speer.
Don't let brand bias limit you unnecessarily. ;)
Blazer .40 S&W brass is the same as CCI, Federal, and Speer.
Don't let brand bias limit you unnecessarily. ;)

While I know the brands are under the same owners, I cannot agree.

I've posted pics before of once fired range pickup Blazer brass with major cracks. Still have them in my collection box. As for CCI brass - I see maybe 1 in 5000 with a CCI head stamp - so can't say one way or another to it's quality.

As for Federal and Speer - not seeing those come off the range with major splits after only being fired once. I keep them, but I have so much Winchester brass on hand that I don't really have to use Federal or Speer yet. I have reloaded them without issue in the past.

As for Blazer - I'm going off what I have first hand evidence of.

I don't discount the possibility that perhaps north Texas has been getting bad batches of Blazer. Could be regional.

But, based on what I'm seeing, Blazer is the very last head stamp I'd choose to reload.
Grey Lion wrote:While I know the brands are under the same owners, I cannot agree.

I've had to toss lots of Federal cases due to cracks in several calibers. Fact is that early 32 H&R were NOTORIOUS for neck splits. Once ATK took over CCI, the QC issues seemed to follow including into the CCI 22 Rimfire lines.
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