Companies involved in China Trade deal


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Most of the top backers for permanent trade status for China are also under investigation for the same illegal trade with the Chinese Army. Motorola, Boeing, Loral and Hughes all are pushing hard with a cash-advertising blitz aimed at the public. Motorola, Boeing, Loral and Hughes are all under investigation for illegal transfers.

The long list of documents also includes telling quotes from many of the key players. For example, Loral Defense President Jerald Lindfelt wrote Ron Brown, complaining that the U.S. military blocked his export of an advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar System to a research unit of the Chinese army.

"We've worked hard trying to resolve these problems with the Department of State, the Department of Commerce and the Defense Technology Security Administration (DTSA), but someone in these organizations always manages to block our participation," wrote Lindfelt.

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