Compact Para-LDA!!!!????


New member
When at gunshop getting new kimber spotted this thing. It was nice!! Small commander size-bulled coned barell like the kimbers and
12 rounds in a not so chunky grip!!!!!!

I think the guy said you get s certificate to get 2 more 12 cap mags for $100.00.

I pulled the LDA trigger a few times and it was SWEET!!!

If you carried one extra mag on you that would be 24 rounds of .45 acp at your disaposal, not bad!!!

I cannot remember the price, any body have one of these??? I read a positive review in one of the rags and it looked to shoot pretty accurate.

The only draw back was all steel frame + 24 rounds hanging on my belt= HEAVY.
Funin, I've got the 5" LDA & yes it is a very sweet gun with an odd but outstanding trigger !
I don't know what the MSRP on it should be but the full sized ones have been sold for as little as $600. :D
I'm glad that you noticed the Paras' grip isn't as big as everryone makes it out to be.

I think all you modern pistoleros have it too easy...
What ever happened to the days when packin' a 8" .44 Magnum was considered "light duty"? ;)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
ICQ # 68806935