Compact Hi-Powers

John G

New member
I heard this on another thread:"FM of Argentina produced a pistol called the 'Detective'. It was a compact version of the Hi-power. It had a short slide with a full-height grip frame. I am not certain as to whether these are still being imported. On the custom side, Austin Behlert used to chop the slide and frame to create a mini-Hi-Power." -Where can I find one?

-Live free or die
I am interested in locating this pistol in my Library. Could you Identify the FM of Argentina? Your post here and in the other forums may help you locate one for sale.


FM of Argentina is Fabrica Militar, the Government arms factory. Whether they made anything other than the standare HP, I don't know, but it is possible.

We've had this discussion before. TFL member 'bald1' is very proud of his customized FM Detective. You can read about it at:

[Link to invalid post]

Bald1 and I comment on the FM Detective starting on February 11, 1999. It attracted a lot of attention at that time as well.

If you wish to go the full-custom route and crop a full-size Hi-Power, Art Leckie (Austin Behlert's successor) can be reached at:

Leckie Professional Gunsmithing (LPG)
P.O. Box 288
7067 Easton Road
Pipersville, PA 18947

(215) 766-8681
(215) 766-0913 (fax)

Best wishes, Daniel
Since Leckie seems to be the only person currently offering this modification for the Hi-Power, he can pretty much name his price. Realize that there is a lot of cutting, welding, and blending going on...very labor intensive especially if it is done correctly.

The easiest way to get an answer would be to call Leckie and ask. ;) Just be seated when he answers. Austin Behlert charged $900 for the conversion back in 1983, and I can't imagine that the price has gone down in the last 16 years.
The "Fabricaciones Militares" 9 mm compact Hi Power is ideed being made here - you can see one holstered in the belt of most cops, provincial and Federal, and its standard issue to the armed forces, here and is readily avaialble to us. I haven't got around to getting one out of plain laziness (not being over fond of the '9') but as firearms instructor get to shoot it quite often. Very pleasant, its grip seems slightly altered to resemble the CZ75 (which I do own). I inquired if there were any restrictions on its export - apparently not... it would seem then that if there is a problem it may be at your end of the world.

Peter Knight (aka 'El Chimango Pete')
I am seriously interested inthe FM Compact. Does anybody know who imports FM into USA?

Better days to be,

As an update-I called the US Dept of Commerce who referred me to the Argentina Embassy in DC.The Trade Attache said that FM's were not being imported and he referred me to the Military Attache who was out.
I really think I'd like one but probably not if the grip is changed.

Better days to be,


Unfortunately Ed is right. A couple of years ago the Argentine government nationalized many industries to include FM. Exports to the US ceased at that time. I even checked with some Argentine contacts and did extensive web searches about this question at the time of the older thread. All said that exports were on hold. Perhaps Peter Knight can check further locally as I know of no restrictions in the US on importing handguns from Argentina. Heck we just had another load of old 1911 clones sold here.

The Detective weights the same as a full length FN model but is an inch shorter with no indented slide, but rather a full width throughout. It came from the factory with the traditional tiny thumb safety. It also sported rubber finger grooved grips which I found abysmal in terms of their fit to the gun. Given that FM had old FN equipment left under contract, parts interchangeability sans the twin recoil spring and guide are pretty good. I used Cylinder and Slide parts to fix the traditional design drawbacks of the Hi-Power. The aforementioned thread covers most everything else. It is a very reliable gun and with the tweaking I've done gives more than acceptable accuracy.

FM also makes a traditional sized P35 clone which has been well received. Personally I favor the FM clones over anyone elses including FEG, etc. FM is positioned like Taurus was in its early days with genuine Beretta factory equipment and some innovative design concepts.


[This message has been edited by bald1 (edited May 11, 1999).]
Well here goes. I don't have a web site but have found a site called photopoint which should allow me to link some pictures of my custom brace of Hi-Powers here (an FN Mk III and a FM Detective). There are 3 pix with full descriptions of modifications.

click link here

Let me know what you think.


[This message has been edited by bald1 (edited July 18, 1999).]