Compact Hi-power


New member
I ran across the website once, but can't find it now. Does anyone know where I can find a pic of the new compact HP out there? All of this HP talk lately has me interested. Thanks.
Sox, do you mean the compact Argentine HP or the newish compact 9mm DA/SA or DAO pistol from FN? Check out FN's website I know they refer to them but I don't remember if they have a picture. I think they're listed under police weapons.

I considered the FN model for awhile and then decided against it as it was A. Expensive ($638), B. Didn't do anything other compact 9mms didn't do, C. no one seems to make holsters, and D. I thought using the HP name on it was stretching it a little.

Still, I've heard good things about them from people who own them. Good reliable compact 9mms, if you like DA/DAO function.
Ok, so some of us want one

Sox, I posted similar in the semiauto forum a few days ago. JLD said the Argentine Detective model may be in mid part of this month. I found a source for the original MilTex Arcus 84 for $209. The guy is suppose to email me when they get in. It was the standard HP size. He didn't say if he had the "compact model or how much it would be. If he can, I would bet it would be about the price of the 84. I've checked out all kinds of leads trying to track down the "illusive" FN shortened model but haven't found one yet. If someone has a link would appreciate it.