Compact 1911's


New member
I have owned a dozen 1911 pistols, but the smallest I have ever owned is a lwt. Commander. Thousands of rounds through longslides and Govt. size pistols, but not a cap fired in the compacts.

I am interested in getting a smaller 1911 for CCW. There is no place around here to rent one and I haven't talked to anyone who has a small sized pistol other than one guy with a Springfield V-10 compact.

All BS aside, what is the smallest practical size 1911 that remains shootable as far as handling and recoil? I am thinking something along the lines of a Stinger or the Kimber Pro Carry. Any other recommendations?
I've fired the smaller "officer" sized guns. They're ok, but frankly I see no real reason to give up my Commander. Its easy to conceal, easy to carry and a lot easier to shoot well.
While I would love to have some of the compacts and ultra compacts (and probably will), it sure is hard to beat the Commander (Grayfox redux).
I have a Star PD (old, out of production) which is just a tiny bit smaller than my (lightweight) Colt Officer's Model. (Both .45s, of course.) I have average size hands and I'm a bit recoil sensitive.

Both have rubber grips and the differences are slight but I consistently shoot a little better with the Star. I have no idea why.

For quick and close I'm better off with the Star than the Officer's Model (or my Gov't model).

The longer the distance, the more I need the longer sight radius. My old eyes prefer the Glock 34 (9mm, slide's longer than a G17, shorter than a G17L).

YMMV. ;)

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The 1911 is my prefered handgun for off-duty/concealed carry. I have carried an Officers Model and a full size Gvt. Model for extended periods of time. I have found that the Gvt. is no more difficult to conceal than the Officers.

The compact isn't nearly as reliable as the full size pistol either (that's why I got rid of mine). I'm not a big fan of pistols that have been reduced in size in order to make them compact. They simply aren't as reliable. If you're looking for a smaller handgun I'd seriously consider something along the lines of a Kahr K9 or K40. Something that has been designed from the ground up as a compact. Otherwise I'd stick with the Commander.
Might I suggest a Para ordinance P10. They are very accurate and recoil is very controllable considering it's small size. The only downside I have ever seen with it is because of it's heavy recoil spring, it seems to have problems with "colder" handloads but with full powere factory loads it is quite reliable and accurate.

"what gives a government that arms the whole world the right to disarm it's own citizens?"
Hello, all. Like others here I've never really gone smaller than a LW Commander, but now prefer the LW Gov't Model by Springfield in such forty-fives for carry. You are only concealing 3/4" more slide/bbl. If anyone's interested, the anodized feed ramp that's part of the frame does seem to hold up well and the piece is plenty accurate. Recoil is certainly sharper than in the steel guns, but not unmanagable. I agree with the post that the smaller the gun, the more finicky it can be in terms of what it will reliably shoot although there are some exceptions. For me, I'll stick with either the Commanders or the LW Gov't 1911. Best.
I know you dont like the kimbers, but I carry the Custom compact. I looked at the ultra carry, but I couldnt bring myself to carry a automatic with an actual 2" barrel. I have had it about 6 months, and have never had a ftf, I shoot it regularly at the sunday night pin matches, and win. It is accurate at 50' no problem.

10MM Magnum.... tried the rest, now I got the best
I'm told the shorties don't have the reliability of the Commanders or Full size 1911s due to less slide mass and so on. I stick to at least commander length (4 1/4" bbl.) hth

Be mentally deliberate but muscularly fast. Aim for just above the belt buckle Wyatt Earp
"It is error alone that needs government support; truth can stand by itself." Tom Jefferson
If you have to shoot a man, shoot him in the guts, it may not kill him... sometimes they die slow, but it'll paralyze his brain and arm and the fight is all but over Wild Bill Hickok
Remember: When you attempt to rationalize two inconsistent positions, you risk drowning as your own sewage backs up.
45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel! BigG
I got a pretty good dose of why I carry a smaller pistol this weekend. A local IDPA club held a night shoot this past Saturday. It was relativly cool out, so concealmment was required. Had two stages which required a flashlight and 2 more stages with low light.

I shot my Kimber Combat Carry which came with tritium sights. I carry it in a Milt Sparks VERSA MAX II. I fet very good about my shooting with this combination after the match. I had shot relatively good times and I was very accurate. (at least for my normal standards) The tritium was a dream in the low light conditions. The big complaint I heard from most of the competitiors was "I could not see a THING after that first shot." I could always see my front sight.

I have several Kimbers; full sized and the Combat Carry. While I can feel a difference in the recoil when I shoot them side by side, I don't seem to notice that much of a difference once I get into shooting.

In a recent match, we had a back up gun (BUG) side stage. IDPA did not recognize my 4" Kimber as a BUG. So, I borrowed a buddy's Ultra Elite. The recoil was consistant with what I would have expected. A bit higher, but not brutal by any means.

IDPA# A04739
It is long been a principal of ours that one is no more armed because he has possession of a firearm than he is a musician because he owns a piano. There is no point in having a gun if you are not capable of using it skillfully. - Jeff Cooper
The compact 1911's are just as accurate at close combat ranges as the full sized GM's. I own/carry an officer's model and truely love the gun.I did have some work done on it. Full length 2-piece guide rod, match grade ramped bull bbl installed by Carter Custom. Its now the most accurate reliable semi auto I own. The 1911 really isnt that tough a pistol to conceal, however. Even in the full sized model. So your lw Commander should be fine. If you need to justify the purchase of another pistol, though, well then, I just dont think you can properly conceal what you've got. You really NEED to by a compact :)

"To die as a warrior means to have crossed swords and either won or lost without any consideration for winning or loosing. There is just not enough time and generally not enough strength in the resolve of any man to do otherwise"-Miyamoto Musashi
I have a 1991A1 Compact and a Commander. I shoot the Commander better than the Compact, but only at extended yardages. The recoil difference is a non issue for me. The Compact fits my hand perfectly and it is a smidge more concealable for me. It's my favorite carry gun. But, I'll carry the Commander and still be darn happy! :D
I shot my Kimber Compact that I bought on sale for $530. I was very pleased with its performance. Although I didn't shoot it a whole lot (just 26 rounds), it functioned perfectly and it was very controllable. The gun was totally brand new, I literally took it out of the box, and used it in an indoor no light (except for my Surefire 6P) IDPA match. I will shoot it more extensively this weekend to break it in. I've owned several full size 1911s (Colts, Springfields) but this is my first Kimber, really love it.
I have a Colt officer ltwt and a Kimber ultra elite, which are both easy carry guns. The ultra elite is very comfortable to carry and easy to conceal wearing just about anything. Shooting it with 185gr and 200gr JHP is no problem and it is a very accurate weapon for being such a short barrel. At the close distances I would need most likely, it should get the job done nicley. The Colt is a shade heavier with the barrel 1/2" longer. Not quite as comfortable to carry. Handles about the same, but no checkering on the front strap (skate board pad). I do not think the differences justifies the difference in price IMHO, but I'm not sorry I bought the Kimber.
I own a Commander and other pistols and finally settled on a Kimber Ltwt. Custom Compact for concealed carry. The shorter grip took some getting used to but when I added Hogue finger-groove grips and Wilson Combat Mags w/ bumper pads it was just right.
It's still shorter than a full-size, has a 4" barrel like the Commander, is light weight to carry and is extremely accurate and reliable. I'm very happy w/ the choice.
As far as dependability, I've heard of some problems w/ Officers w/ the 3 1/2" barrels but dont think you'll have it w/ a good 4" compact.
Good Luck,
Dave in AL
I would certainly echo what others are saying here about the full size 1911's- they really are'nt that hard to conceal if you have one or two really good holster setups that work for you such as a good crossdraw for long periods behind the wheel and maybe IWB for everything else.A combat commander was my choice for over 20 years and now,as my eyes are aging,just a little over a month ago,I went to the full size for the extra sight radius.The only problem I have experienced so far Is while seated in a vehicle,which prompted me to go with the crossdraw for this application. I have owned and shot many of the compacts already mentioned here and most are fine choices.The manufacturors for the most part are doing a great job getting these compacts to run well right out of the box. Long live the 1911!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've been carrying and shooting a stainless Officers Model since it came out. It's on it's 2nd barrel, a Bar-Sto, and in all these years it has yet to miss a beat. Accuracy has always been amazing, probably having to do with the cone shape barrel. Balance is perfect, to me at least, and Pachmayers give excellent grip. I don't think I'd care for the recoil in an alloy frame but in steel I have not been bothered by it.
I carry the Colt CCO(earlier model), I love the gun. It is my main carry gun. It is reliable with everything, more accurate than me, and lite wt. It is the Comm. slide mated to a litewt. officers frame that is laced with titanium. Great ergonmics, and excellant carry bevel package. Sights are a+ on it too. Keep'em sharp
I am new (6 months)to the pistol world so consider the source. After a great deal discussion wiht LEO's and other experience people, I choose a Kimber Pro-Carry (1/2 inch shorter than the a Colt Lt. Wt. Commander which I now own. I was happy with the performance and accuracy of the Pro-Carry but my situation demanded something smaller.

I then purchased a Kimber Ultra Elite. Since my hands are small, all my fingers fit on the butt. I find the UE easy to carry and it has handle 400 rounds I have fired without a problem. At 10 yards I am able to shoot 2" groups (I am rookie). Firing 2 shot double taps/hammers, I am able to be place all shots in the CBM. Both the Lt. Wt Commander and the Pro-Carry provide the same shooting capability for me but not the ease of carry and concealibility.

My 2 cents.

hi ankeny,
i've got several thousand rounds through the kimber ultra carry series (15k+), and i've got nothing but great things to say about the gun. the dual recoil spring assy (ala seecamp, glock, kahr, etc) eats up recoil, and the gun is suprisingly manageable. if you're used to shooting a 1911 .45, the ultra is no problem in terms of recoil.

that being said, my favorite compact 1911 is the kimber compact with the 4" top. the 1" reduction at the muzzle does nothing for me in terms of concealment, and i appreciate the 70+ fps of the extra inch, and the muzzle weight as well. the slide cyclic rate is noticeably quicker than the full size 1911, allowing me quicker hammers. the pro carry is identical to the kimber compact aluminum except for the full length grip (.4" longer). i've yet to try another compact 1911 that exceeds it in quality, value and function.

best of luck in your decision!

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