Communist Party USA excited about this election


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Not sure either candidate wants their public support. Kerry asked them to remove the endorsement from their website. I did a long excerpt in case this gets taken down.

Author: Joel Wendland
First published 03/31/2008 21:52 by {article_topic_desc}

At its quarterly national committee meeting this past weekend, the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) called for a landslide in the November 4th elections to defeat John McCain and strengthening the Democratic Party majorities in Congress.

Needed: One Landslide on November 4th

Sam Webb, the CPUSA's national chair, delivered the main political report in which he argued that voters have confounded pundits and political predicters and have set the stage for a political victory in November for the people's movement. Democratic primaries signal a huge upsurge with record-breaking turnout and enthusiasm. "The high octane of this upsurge is simply breathtaking," he said.

With the undiminished role of the labor-led people's movement, Webb predicted the outcome could bring enormous change that puts people's need before warmaking, sleaze and policies that put profits before peoples need. Such an outcome is possible regardless of whether or not Clinton or Obama wins, he stated.

The Democratic campaigns and the possibility for change have eroded disillusionment and apathy. The main dilemma of the left is to not be left behind in this upsurge, he said. If we are not engaged in this struggle to advance the people's movement, we will be left behind.

Independent involvement is part of the upsurge, and people are inspired by the possibility that this election will result in real changes and improvements in their daily lives.

Webb talked about the fact that the nature of the support for the both candidates shows that working-class voters will vote for a woman and an African American candidate. Neither would have been swept to the place they are now with support from either women or Black voters alone.

To say that Clinton has garnered the vast majority of the working-class vote is simply wrong, he said. Black voters are overwhelming working class. The working class has divided its vote between the two. Trade union voters have given a slight edge to Clinton, but Obama has polled well and has won important union endorsements.

On the issue of demographics, "we should stay away form easy and static explanations," he said.

Obama's candidacy is unique in all of this excitement. It is transformational and new. It has brought new forces into the process and built new organizational forms.

"What makes it different is that it has the feel of a movement," Webb said. Obama speaks to people's desires and inspires them. "He is a fresh voice on the political scene. His courage and astuteness are obvious," Webb said.

His desire to overcome racial and religious and national and other divisions "strikes a deeply responsive chord far and wide."

For her part, Clinton would likely govern to the left of her husband, and she would be a formidable opponent for McCain, Webb asserted.

We have a chance to sweep the Republicans from power in a landslide. "It is an altogether new page in American politics," Webb said.

Webb went on to discuss the deepening economic and financial crisis. He linked Republican policies of the last 30 years and the ongoing decline of US capitalism and imperialism. What is needed to counter this and heal the country is a broad and ambitious program off housing relief, urban investment, environmental clean up and more, Webb insisted.

A favorable outcome of this election will give working people power to prevent capitalists from shifting the burden of this recession onto the backs of workers.
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Where is McCarty when you need him

Communist Party of the United State: that should put things into perspective just by reading their name. :rolleyes:
You bet they can VOTE! They are the Hillary's of the world. How do you think the Chines got so embedded in this country?
Go here and read the platform of the Democratic Socialist Party of America, then read the platform of the American Communist Party here, then read Obama's plan here.

The reasons the Socialists and Marxists are excited should be more than evident.

Now tell me again how calling Obama a Marxist/Socialist is inaccurate and wrong.

There is no question that McCain is a poor choice for POTUS, but compared to Obama he looks like Regan or Goldwater.
send tinfoil

before I read the ideas your intent on using to illustrate how Obama will change the country into an Islamic state I need the tinfoil roll you must have lying around.
The fact that Reagan and Goldwater make McCain look like Obama yet McCain passes for the former because of the latter is why we have both McCain and Obama now.
before I read the ideas your intent on using to illustrate how Obama will change the country into an Islamic state I need the tinfoil roll you must have lying around.

:confused: I don't even know what your talking about. Do you? I was merely pointing out the stong similarites Obama's platform has with the platforms of the Communist and Socialist parties. No where do I mention Islam.

Yellowfin said:
The fact that Reagan and Goldwater make McCain look like Obama yet McCain passes for the former because of the latter is why we have both McCain and Obama now.

I think you may have nailed it.
before I read the ideas your intent on using to illustrate how Obama will change the country into an Islamic state I need the tinfoil roll you must have lying around.
I don't even know what your talking about. Do you? I was merely pointing out the stong similarites Obama's platform has with the platforms of the Communist and Socialist parties. No where do I mention Islam.

Apparently the strongest response that could be mustered is: "he's not Muslim," is how I read it.
It seems there may be a FARC connection developing with the Obama Campaign.

The laptop computers captured from FARC terrorists by Colombia reveal that FARC is hoping and expecting that Barack Obama will be the next US President—and that unnamed “gringos” have been meeting with FARC to discuss it.

6. The gringos will ask for an appointment with the minister to solicit him to communicate to us his interest in discussing these topics. They say that the new president of their country will be Obama and that they are interested in your compatriots. Obama will not support "Plan Colombia" nor will he sign the TLC (Colombian Free Trade agreement). Here we responded that we are interested in relations with all governments in equality of conditions and that in the case of the US it is required a public pronouncement expressing their interest in talking with the FARC given their eternal war against us.
communist & socialist

as the description of Obama, Clinton, or McCain is a great way to connect them into the plot against America. IMO it is used by those who do not understand the concept of either Communist or Socialism but see it as a way to easily discredit candidates. The concept having been proven by Joe MCCarth in the 50's when he discredited hundred by simply indicating those folks were communist. Let's call the candidates commies and/or socialist and the true believes in America will abandon those candidates. Similar to connecting a name with Islam on the basis of the name alone.

Those who understand the ideals of Communism and Socialism realize there are a few common elements of those found in Democracy.

So yes I need some tinfoil so I can tune into the airways where the idea that Obama is on tract with either philosophy. The message is probably heard a few wavelengths from the Muslim connection in the same intergalactic band as where the broadcast the rest of the conspiracy information.

Personally I don't rule out commentary on why any of the candidates may or may not make a good next president. In fact since last year I can say I canged opinions on the viability of several candadates based on commentary by posters whose information was true and accurate. I do however refuse to accept any of the claims that are based on supposition and those that are mere conjecture. I leave those connection to the voters on the National Inquires mailing list.
Actually, most of the Dem platform is a Socialist platform. Noting it does not in any way mean finger pointing. I find it far more intellectually honest to slam a candidate for his platform than for his name or by what name he chooses to call his god.
Funny how there is no Second Ammendment page on Barack's issues page, lol, the reason is obvious. He openly supports gun prohibition. McCain, on the other hand, has a Second Ammendment page on is website, with clear cut positions.

Redneck McCain appears to be making a pro second position while Hillary and Obama are not posting a stance on the matter. Yet there are a lot of the issues that you don't find on McCain pages. Surprisingly there are a few issues where all three candidates appear to be fairly similar in their views on the issues.

The issues and where the candidates stands or appears to stand is what matters. Some would rather throw out completely wrong information than rely on the facts. There are plenty of issues facing the voters. Unfortionatly some voters are to busy beating a drum over non-issues and blinding themselves to the overall direction their candidate will follow.
Can they vote?

Excellent question!!! How ingenious of them to be spouting of something that would not only take away their rights to say those things, but also choose who can tell them they can and cannot...They put the moron in oxymoron!
Surprisingly there are a few issues where all three candidates appear to be fairly similar in their views on the issues.

And there lies the problem for those who value individual liberty and freedom as opposed to slavery and oppression. All of the candidates are too far left and the candle of freedom is flickering. I don't know if McCain is a redneck, but I know he seems to value his elitism over my freedom. The other two seem to have a true god complex.
The right is faltering and shall continue to falter

"And there lies the problem for those who value individual liberty and freedom as opposed to slavery and oppression. All of the candidates are too far left and the candle of freedom is flickering." mountainclmbr

The concept of conservatie right wing is a dieing idea. Now some are going to scream that is not true and that the right will continue to be there. I disagree with their expectations. The right conservative views have changed as more and more money has been shuffled around in congress. True conservative would not just oppose the trends in DC they would actively reverse them. But while we hear the conservatives cry out about not liking these social program we don't see any active members of congress actually proposing the repeal of the programs. A few vote no now and then. During the six years of Republican majority in the House and Senate just how many programs/entitlement or pork project were stopped? Nearly a one.

All the posturing about the conservative values and no bill passed during the six years on the school prayer, gay rights opposition, abortion or other of the so called conservative views. It indicates a change in value that provided lip service and talking point that are not being backed up by actual votes and legislation.

Sure there has been a few attempts to lower taxes. And at the same time more and more excise (user fees) taxes have been imposed. Meanwhile the subsidies to outdated industries continue to remain in existence. Can anyone tell me why we still subsidize tobacco farmers?

Conservative may exist in the minds of many but the actual conservative values are changing. A few more year of the homogenization and you'll have to have colored jackets in Congress so you can tell who is suppose to be conservative from those who are not.