Commies on C-Span!


New member
I just finished watching Democrat Congressman/Physician/Communist Jim Mc Dermott on C-Span this morning. As expected, he spewed a continuous litany of Socialist drivel advocating the need for “Free” (read taxpayer paid) total medical care, housing, income, gun-control, etc. for all people in America.

Between speed dry-firing my Glock at the TV screen, I tried in vain to call in to C-Span. I wanted to make a statement, and ask him a question.

I wanted to let the C-Span viewers know that his name, and photograph are prominently listed as a member, on the web page of the Democrat[ic] Socialists of America; a known Communist front group.

I wanted to ask the “Good Doctor” how he managed to avoid prosecution for knowingly transmitting illegally obtained wire-tap recordings of a fellow M.O.C. to a newspaper. This is a felony for which any of us would face prison time, and currently, Linda Tripp is facing prosecution for a much lesser offense. I guess it is true, as stated in Orwell’s novel; On the Farm, “All Animals are Equal, except Some Animals are more Equal than others.” That last statement, is the unfortunate truth in all Socialist systems.

I wanted to ask those things, but since I could not, I had to let them out here.
(rant mode back in stand-by.)