Comments on and a link to interview between Len Savage and Aaron Zelman of JPFO


New member
The link below takes readers/listeners to an interview featuring Len Savage, whose name might be familiar to people on this site, and Aaron Zelman of JPFO, and details Mr. Savage's experiences with the ATF, more correctly the BATFE in various firearms related matters. The interview also discusses particular criminal cases involving the ATF and private citizens, as well as ATF's record keeping problems.

Some amongst you might, on seeing/hearing this interview, if you bother to listen, it runs about 30 minutes, might roll your eyes an conclude not some more of this stuff, or words to that effect. If you so desire, you may take that attitude, however I submit that such would be a serious mistake on your part, for doing nothing, for failing to do nothing more that bringing the interview to the attention of your elected things, will only serve to give aid and comfort to the run away mob that is the BATFE. If that is the ending you desire, than just switch to the football game or whatever else might catch your attention, and disregard the interview. It's up to you. Here is the above mentioned link.
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