Paul Revere

New member
Held up for release is a new movie called "Arlinton Place". It was actually supposed to be released last month, but the Columbine incident made the producers hit the brakes. Could it be that they are anticipating a more closely related incident to happen first?

The trailer on this film is almost as scarey as "Enemy of the State" or "The Seige". It stars Jeff Bridges who plays a Professor teaching courses on "Terrorism", who eventually learns that his own next door neighbor (Tim Robbins) could very well be a terrorist himself, contemplating the bombing of a federal building. Tim Robbin's character apparently is a member of some "right wing extremist group" who alledgedly are regular people in your own neighborhoods.

The message from the media propaganda machine appears to be one which will cause viewers an immediate distrust in their neighbors, especially if the neighbors are pro-Constitution, conservative, or gun owners. Identification of such "threats" to our civilized society will become a "deed well done". A scarey thought indeed, that your own neighbor, who may think of you as a guy obsessed with guns, could turn you in to the feds. Putting you on 24 hour surveilance, for no other reason than your neighbor's suspicions.

The conspirator directed major media hard at work on social engineering, whether it be by newspapers, magazines, radio, television, cable, or blockbuster movies, is our strongest opponent, since they reach so many vulnerable Americans. Using the 1st Amendment to destroy the 2nd.
When is this coming out?

Didn't the Germans in the '30s do this?

Went searching for it on the Web and here is what I found.

Arlington Road
Opens:July 9

The Players:
Starring Jeff Bridges, Tim Robbins, Joan Cusack, and Hope Davis; directed by Mark Pellington.........<snip>.

You can read the review here....

They even have a poll you can take :)

Web address for the movie is....


[This message has been edited by DrJon (edited June 03, 1999).]
I have no idea why the Hollywood trash would hold up release of such a movie. It's sure to be a hit for the Mia/Rosie/CNN fed public.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.
H.L. Mencken[/quote]
I heard a fellow on the radio yesterday state "There is not a conspiracy to dumb-down America. It's mission accomplished." Draw your own conclusions.

If what you know, isn't what you do, then your training is incomplete.
It seems as if the mission of the Bureaucracy is to turn everyone into a paranoid informant on everyone else. Anyone that does not fit into the average is suspect. Just as frightening is the lack of LE verification of tips. This has led to fatal abuse of thier power.

Abide in awareness,