Well it was Com-Block day at the range. I took out the Yugo 59/66, the Makarov and the M&P 9mm Shield. The Shield and Makarov are comparable in size and rounds though they differ greatly.
Weight goes to the Shield.
Report/Recoil…that’s a tie but they are different. The Mak wants to come straight back but it is a heavier gun with a milder round than the 9mm Luger. The Shield definitely hits you harder due to a more powerful round and a lighter gun but some of that is redirected due to the unfixed barrel.
First shot accuracy - tie
Follow up accuracy - Mak due to the straight blow back.
Field Stripping & cleaning - Mak. The Shield is pretty easy to break down but it requires a screw driver or some tool to hit a lever below the chamber to properly release the slide. The Mak is a very easy breakdown but it is a heavy gun for it’s size and putting the slide back in place can be cumbersome if you haven’t done it numerous times. I would call it a tie but the fact that the Mak's firing pin can be easily removed and cleaned gives it the bump.
Ammo - Shield. The price is about the same but 9mm Makarov is not on every gun store shelf and the defense rounds would probably need to be ordered.
Safety and carry - The Mak has a floating firing pin that can be dangerous if treated wrong. It can be fired in Single action or double action and it has a safety/decocker. The Shield is double action only with a optional safety but the firing pin has a spring release and is less prone to accidental discharges.
Fun to shoot - Tie
25 year reliability - I'd say Mak
Coolness factor - Mak because it is just cool
Oh yeah. I put 20 rounds through the Yugo today. That was fun as hell!!!! And yes…Soviet Ammo is DIRTY!!!!
Weight goes to the Shield.
Report/Recoil…that’s a tie but they are different. The Mak wants to come straight back but it is a heavier gun with a milder round than the 9mm Luger. The Shield definitely hits you harder due to a more powerful round and a lighter gun but some of that is redirected due to the unfixed barrel.
First shot accuracy - tie
Follow up accuracy - Mak due to the straight blow back.
Field Stripping & cleaning - Mak. The Shield is pretty easy to break down but it requires a screw driver or some tool to hit a lever below the chamber to properly release the slide. The Mak is a very easy breakdown but it is a heavy gun for it’s size and putting the slide back in place can be cumbersome if you haven’t done it numerous times. I would call it a tie but the fact that the Mak's firing pin can be easily removed and cleaned gives it the bump.
Ammo - Shield. The price is about the same but 9mm Makarov is not on every gun store shelf and the defense rounds would probably need to be ordered.
Safety and carry - The Mak has a floating firing pin that can be dangerous if treated wrong. It can be fired in Single action or double action and it has a safety/decocker. The Shield is double action only with a optional safety but the firing pin has a spring release and is less prone to accidental discharges.
Fun to shoot - Tie
25 year reliability - I'd say Mak
Coolness factor - Mak because it is just cool
Oh yeah. I put 20 rounds through the Yugo today. That was fun as hell!!!! And yes…Soviet Ammo is DIRTY!!!!
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