I recently read an article in Rolling Stone on gun shows (and the author does not like them). There was a statement by the young woman (who had purchased most of the guns at a show for Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold) that was to the effect, "if there was a background check that I would have had to go through at the gun show, then I would not have bought the guns". While I don't understand her reasoning (she was of age and had no criminal record, nor did she explain how she would choose not to on hearing of a mandatory background check), I am curious as to if she had or could have been charged for making a 'straw man' purchase for minors. I am not sure if it is possible, but she appears to have not been charged for anything in regard to acquiring the guns for the two, and in a political climate that was screaming for vengeance for the deaths and suffering (and it turned out to be the NRA and other such groups). Why was she spared from being charged? I know that the man who had sold the Tec9/AB-10 was in a lot of hot water because it was a handgun and that has an age of possession (and purchase)that both Harris and Klebold were below. Anyone have any info? Thanks