Columbine Father Continues the Misinformation

Jeff Thomas

New member
On my way to lunch today I heard some comments on the radio from a father of one of the murdered Columbine students. While I deeply empathize with the poor man, I do resent his participation in further lies about firearms.

What I heard him say was along the lines of 'Today's ceremonies did not do enough to recognize the injured and murdered students. And, nothing has been done about all of the guns. There were so many guns at Columbine that students were not even initially surprised when the shooters pulled out their weapons.'

I know nothing of Columbine other than what I have read regarding this incident. However, this man is asking me to believe that (1) Columbine High School is swamped with firearms. And, (2) that when Klebold and Harris pulled out their guns, it wasn't even noteworthy because there are so many guns on campus. And, (3) he apparently also wants me to believe that when Klebold and Harris started picking off students and teachers, all of these students carrying firearms provided no resistance whatsoever. Yes, I can picture it now - those poor students trapped in that school with two murderers and no one thought to pull out their firearm and take them down.

How preposterous. This is just so obviously absurd, I am astounded the man could actually state this without someone in the media questioning his assertion. Sympathy for the man? Yes. But to accept a statement this obviously bogus is really too much.

I realize that most of us well recognize that the 'anti' debate is almost all emotion. But, have I missed something here? How can these people continue to make such outlandish comments? Where have all the brain cells gone?

I'm in a rural area (same where I grew up) and while back then there were plenty of rifles in farm kid's pickups in the parking lot, there weren't any guns inside.
Guess the antis are given a pass for any outlandish thing they say, since its "for the greater good".

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Good point. "Where Have All The Brain Cells Gone?" - was that Van Halen who made that song famous? Perfect tune for antis.
Actually, Futo, you've given me another idea for a song. I've already penned some fun lyrics to 'Sixteen Guns' (to the tune of Tennessee Ernie Ford's 'Sixteen Tons'), but this one also sounds promising. Thanks.

Regards from AZ.
Just saw on CBS news that the Wall Street Journal reported that over 1000 of the firearms that police departments sell to the American public to buy more guns are used in crime. To me that figure seems very outlandish, to the point of a strait out lie. Where have all the brain cells gone? The government doesn't want you to have any.


[This message has been edited by Daren Thompson (edited August 16, 1999).]
Why, those 1000 guns are sold to individuals that then go to those evil gun shows and sell them to ANYBODY without a background check! Sounds like they're setting up a straw man to make sure the gun show amendment goes through.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
Speaking of "Where have the brain cells gone?"...

When I was in school, seems like maybe it was 5th or 6th grade, I read a story about this couple whose son was just about to turn 12. On his birthday he was to go to the gov't center and take some sort of intelligence test. He kept bragging to his parents about he was going to pass it, score so high, etc. His parents just kept nervously saying "That's OK, you don't need to do well" (can you see where this is going, yet?). So, his bday comes, he opens his presents, then they send him off to the test center. The story ends with a call from a test administrator.

TA: "Mr & Mrs Doe?"
Does: "Yes?"
TA: "I'm sorry to report to you that your son's test score exceeded the federal limit, and he has been euthanized per state guidelines. Someone will contact you in a few days to make arrangments for his burial or cremation..."

Don't fool yourself into thinking that it can't/won't happen. Everyone here knows what we have for a gov't. If the people continue to be sheep, such tragedies as Columbine will be perpetrated by the state, rather than out-of-control kids.

"Is fhe'arr teicheadh math na droch fhuireach"
-Sarabian Oomodo

If it isn't Scottish, it's CRAP!

A firearm isn't a weapon until it is used as such.

[This message has been edited by Jedi Oomodo (edited August 17, 1999).]