Colt XS series 1911's? (dont kill me!)


New member
Has anyone handled the Colt XS series 1911
style pistols?

Yes, I know, Colt sucks. And the
company should be boycotted.

(I'm not buying one, just asking, OK?)

Kimbers are being sent back left and right,
and Springfields have tons of sharp edges...

What's left? Charles Daly?
I have a Colt Lightweight Commander in this series and it is a good gun. Good trigger, not as accurate as my Kimbers, but good for what I paid for it ($600). Still, were I you I would go with the Kimbers. Don't let the people here fool you, 99.9% of the Kimber owners are very very satisfied with the excellent product Kimber puts out.
Yes, they are high speed. I have a new Colt CCO and I like it a lot. Colt has hired a retired Marine General to run the place. Seems like a step in the right direction. Check out the Colt website and read the letters they have been exchanging with the liberal media and the whack jobs in Connecticut who are hassling them. Colt has dropped some product lines to help STAY IN BUSINESS. Sure beats the alternative. Besides, I think the Colt logo looks a lot better than that girly swishy cursive "Kimber" impressed on the sides of Kimber frames! :) And from what I have read, Kimber's customer service blows. OK, I know I am going to get some flames for this posting, but if you like the Colt -- go for it. Their new guns look sharp. My local gun shop cannot keep them in stock.
I hope I speak with some authority...I have owned a Colt model 01070XS Stainless, which was built earlier this year. It was a beautiful gun and a real tackdriver...But, it had enough Sharp edges to qualify as a Gillette Mach 3! For some odd reason the trigger pull kept increasing and after about 50 rounds had gotten to 7.0 lbs. It was tweaked back to 5.5 lbs, but not knowing how to better a series 80 trigger , it was left at that setting.

My two Kimber Classic Customs are flawless, one with over 4000 rounds. No sharp edges and 3.5 lb triggers.

The Colt 01070XS sells for about the same as a Kimber Stainless $600-650. IMHO the Kimber will bring more satifaction. Although the Colt was Stainless, I'm not a stainless fan in semi automatics, I would opt to go with the Oxide black Classic Custom for $525-550.

After saying all of this, I read that Colt has melted some of the sharp edges in the newer XS models...if they have, then , Bravo to the Marine General...OOOOORAH!
George I bought my pistol back in August I think it was, maybe September, and I didn't notice any bad sharp edges.
Bought my CCO in June 99 and really can't complain about sharp edges -- there aren't any. Mind you, the edges on the gun are not as smooth as on a Kimber, but they aren't sharp either. I just wish the gun didn't have the butt-ugly "Novak wannabe" rear-sight. Yuk! Otherwise, a really nice .45
RW and Dogger, Maybe the razor edges are limited to the government model. The slide/frame rails on mine were really sharp. I also would have liked to see some more de-horning of the entire piece.

I'm not flaming this gun as it had outstanding fit and finish and blew very small contiguous holes in a target at 10/25 yards.

I sold the XS and bought a Springfield HiCap 45ACP. It needed some work, and is back at the factory now for some mods and Custom Shop work.

My two Kimber Classic Customs continue to give flawless service.
Why worry with sharp edges and small untoward finishes. Spend extra dollars to refine it, that is what customizing is needed for.

What I am afraid in owning a gun is, it will not be fired the moment I need to shoot someone for a justifiable reason. It will not shoot flawlessly with it's 7 or 8 rounds. Some minor parts will be easily broken. Okay, some users preferred and shoot better in 4lb trigger pull, some preferred 5.5 or 7 lbs., because we have different hands and training. As to the distance of targets, some are good shooter in short or long distances. At normal 10 yards, sometimes I cannot even knockdown a round steel plate on three consecutive bullets. But I feel good because the human body is bigger than that steel plate.

It depends all to the intended purpose, like and dislike of what type of gun we really prefer and the best for us, thus small things like sharp edges won't affect much on the functions and reliability of a gun. If these minor things be eliminated out of the box it would better anyway.


[This message has been edited by stdalire (edited December 04, 1999).]
I have an XS series Officers model. In stainless. Gun is accurate and has been 100% reliable with several different types of Hollopoints and FMJ ammo. Not one failure yet. Yje edges are very very sharp. Since it's in stainless I'm going to take and use a stone to break the edges a little. That'll help a bit. Mine had a good trigger of about 6-7 pounds out of the box. I worked the trigger a little and it's now at a crisp 4 pounds that I consider just about perfect for carry.

M/D ENTERPRISES Custom Concealment Holsters
Gunleather so nice it's almost a crime to conceal it
I bought the Colt Govt 01070XS back in August and my experiences echo those of Big George posted above, with the exception of his trigger. The edges are sharp on the slide, my only gun that truly drives tacks, but my trigger is a crisp 3.5lbs, I didn't have to modify it, and has stayed that way. I've been very pleased with my Colt Govt. BTW, Colt's website indicates that they are bevelling all the edges on the XS's now, so it should be a top notch choice when comparing to Springfield Loaded's and Kimbers....Dan in GA
The Colt, if chosen well, should be the last 45 you need to buy... It's a lifetime investment and will be an heirloom to your descendants.

The Kimber will be, well, a Kimber.


Be mentally deliberate but muscularly fast. Aim for just above the belt buckle Wyatt Earp
45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel! BigG
"It is error alone that needs government support; truth can stand by itself." Tom Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 1785
Now, the rest of the story...

Ok, I bought a K* clone, i.e., a COLT Concealed Carry Model, with the McCormick grips, hammer, sear, etc.

Yes, it is a COLT, and yes, as Rik says, far superior to the K* it copied. Thank you K* for causing COLT to upgrade its fine 45 ACP weapons even further!

Your move, K* :) LOL

Be mentally deliberate but muscularly fast. Aim for just above the belt buckle Wyatt Earp
"It is error alone that needs government support; truth can stand by itself." Tom Jefferson
If you have to shoot a man, shoot him in the guts, it may not kill him... sometimes they die slow, but it'll paralyze his brain and arm and the fight is all but over Wild Bill Hickok
Remember: When you attempt to rationalize two inconsistent positions, you risk drowning as your own sewage backs up.[/1]
45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel! BigG

[This message has been edited by BigG (edited January 03, 2000).]
Far superior? Ha. It is just slightly inferior. But it is a good buy. Trigger isn't near as good as a Kimber, but far better than the POS triggers Colt HAS been putting out. Isn't as accurate as a Kimber, but at least it's reliable...unlike the POSs Colt HAS been putting out for the last ten years.
So yeah, it's an improvement. Not quite up to KIMBER level yet, but maybe if their Iraqi owner keeps trying...Oops, I heard he really isn't the owner anymore because the bank took them over. Oh well, WHOEVER their next owner is, if he keeps trying, maybe someday they will get to the same high level of craftsmanship, accuracy and reliability that every KIMBER I have ever shot or held in my hand has exhibited.
My XS Commander has the sharp edges but it is quite accurate and has a nice trigger to boot! After 300 rounds, the pull weight is 4.25#. Of course, I don't own any unmodified guns so the sharp edges didn't bother me any when I bought the gun.

My biggest concern was the LONG trigger! Why must they always install a LONG trigger? :)
Personally, I like the long trigger. I am looking forward to installing an arched mainspring housing on my CCO, and some skateboard tape, then I should be set. :)
I have the original config. of the CCO and have owned it for over 1.5yrs. I have said it before and I will say it again here, the BEST ccw handgun I own. That includes my Kimber Classic Custom. Bought that when they first came out too. Better than my P16, my Colt Gov't. Enhanced, and my Enhanced Commander.(Combat)Oh yea Firestar .40 and Star PD. Better everything on the CCO, great carry bevel package, great trigger, and 100% reliable all the time. Nough said