Colt replicas, brass or steel frame cap and ball revolvers, which do you prefer and if you care to, why.
I have a large number of Italian cap and ball colt replica revolvers, one of them is over 35 years old and has shot probably close to 1000 rounds plus, and is still very tight and shoots well.
The reason that I started this thread is that in another several people mentioned that brass framed revolvers are crap. I have had nothing but good experiences with my brass guns and although I only have one that’s a steel frame I really don’t see any disadvantage in the brass,,,, and they do look better
I have a large number of Italian cap and ball colt replica revolvers, one of them is over 35 years old and has shot probably close to 1000 rounds plus, and is still very tight and shoots well.
The reason that I started this thread is that in another several people mentioned that brass framed revolvers are crap. I have had nothing but good experiences with my brass guns and although I only have one that’s a steel frame I really don’t see any disadvantage in the brass,,,, and they do look better
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