Colt Pocket .31 problems?


New member
They look socool but all I hear is problem after problem.
Some say you have to work on em beforeshooting.
I really want a little 31 Colt but don't want the frustrations!
I have a .31 from ASM....

It was a manufacturing defect which created the problems for me.

The ratchet on the back of the cylinder was indexed wrong and the cylinder came to rest on every chamber about 20 degrees out of battery. I had to recut the ratchet to get it to go into battery properly.

I originally thought the problem was with the hand and not the cylinder. So I went to town grinding, filing shaping hands for the pistol. I went through two additional hands unsuccessfully until I realized the real problem. I learned an awful lot about hand to cylinder interface.

When I bought this pistol I got it for song because of the problems. It was not blued.the steel parts were coated with what appeared to be a thin coat of paint and then antiqued. It was either done by a previous owner or perhaps done professionally as though someone bought up a bunch of defective revolvers and then marketed them as non-firing replicas.

I have shot it but not much.

This should have been in another thread...sorry.
Does anyone remember what the ASM box looked like? I bought a Colt 1851 kit at a LGS 30 years ago, and all I remember was that the lid to the box was a dull red with black printing, I think.

I started to finish this kit, only to find that when the cylinder locked in place, you could not put a wood dowel down the barrel and into tne cylinder chamber. As I remember it, there was about an eighth inch mismatch.

I didn't know what to do, and got another gun. I still see the dealer at LGS's. Paid $50 for the kit. Box full of problems for a first kit gun.

I think I traded it to a local gunsmith for my Navy Arms that was in his junk box, with one scored cylinder chamber. Don't remember how much I paid him.
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ZVP - I got the itch to buy one a number of years ago. Cabellas had a Uberti in stock so I drove the 50 + miles to take a look at it. When I checked it out, it felt like someone had dropped a handful of gravel in the action. I cooled on it real quick. Several moths later, I ran across a Wells Fargo model but still wanted the loading lever so I passed. I think the one I looked at that was so bad was just a "quirk". I have thought about ordering one though the LGS and still may at some time. That way, when it's picked up I could check it out and if there's a problem, send it back,. The problem with buying on-line is that you're sort of buying a "pig in a poke" . . . perhaps someone else's problem? Ordering it from Uberti through a LGS would give you the right to reject if necessary and get another one on the way. Just food for though . . .

I think they would be a fun little handgun to have . . . fun for "up close" plinking anyway . . .