From Dennis Russel's book "Percussion Colt Revolvers - The Second Generation - Collectors Handbook and Price Guide #5", page 7.
"Before I move on to the Third Model Dragoon, I think it is important that I address a question that is constantly asked regarding the significance of the cipher that appears centered on the frame just under the serial number of early 2nd Gen 1851 Navies. The serial number range is from 4201 to approximately 11000 and is one of the true mysteries (and there are many) of the Colt Second Generation Percussion series."
"To date, I have encountered four potential explanations for the mysterious cipher. There is probably a kernal of truth in each of these explanantions. However, I offer none of them as the definitive answer. The explanations are as follows:"
"1. During the early production days, Colt's experienced quality control problems with frames. In this scenario, the cipher was used as an acceptance mark to identify those frames satisfactory for standard production."
"2. Manufacture of the standard production Model C1121 was taking place at the same time as Grant - Lee Commemorative models. In this scenario, the cipher may have been used to identify those frames destined for use as a standard production Model C1121. It should be noted that Grant - Lee revolver frames do not have the cipher."
"3. Prominent collectors and members of the Colt Commemorative Committee were insistent that Colt's use some means to identify "new" production guns from original models - especially since new production would begin at serial number 4201. Therefore, the early guns (up to around serial number 11000) carried the cipher. This allowed time for the collecting and shooting public to absorb the fact that the 1851 Navy was back in production - thus reducing the potential of fakery."
"4. The cipher mark was discontinued when Colt's changed frame suppliers in 1973."
"I personally think that explanation number 3 is the most plausable. However, it seems possible that a combination of explanations three and four could also be valid."