Colt Gold Cup or Kimber Target?


New member
Probably done to death, I know, but I'd like to elicit some responses from you, the handgun illuminati. I'm planning on picking up a series 70 Gold Cup in 98% for $700, or a Kimber Target for $625. The Colt is certainly more handsome to my eyes, but the Kimber feels tighter(doesn't necessarily make it a better shooter). Which one do I go for? I'm too overwhelmed with emotion to make up my own mind...
Thanks in advance for your assistance!

semper ubi sub ubi
This my personal opinion only. If you plan on doing a lot shooting, say IDPA or such, go with the Kimber. If you just want a good 1911 and it will be the occasional paper puncher, go with the Gold Cup.

Anyone that really gets into competitive shooting will eventually start to modify the pistol to meet their individual needs. Once this starts the original value of the gun is lost. A person who does competitive shooting will look at it as a shooter. Get the Kimber.

The person who makes guns a hobby will be more interested in the pistol as it came out of the box. Get the Gold Cup if you just like them.

I own a Kimber Stainless Target. Been using it in IDPA now for two years. Good gun, very accurate and reliable. It gets the job done every match day. It does not look like it did when it came out of the box.

Your decision.

I like my Kimber alot (Combat Carry)- very well made, shoots great. I have shot my friends Gold Cup a few times, I don't find them to be that accurate compared to most Kimbers and Springfields I have fired- there is a little too much slide shake for my tastes, I have seen this in a # of Gold Cups (Springfield is guilty of this on occasion also)-but the ones I have looked at lately are really nice. I don't know, for $700-I would shop around a bit, or just get a Kimber.
I'll have to agree with johnboy on this one. The Kimber is the better gun for lots of shooting or if you plan to use it as a carry piece. It may work fine out of the box or it may need some tweaks - never know.

The Gold Cup, being a 70 Series, is almost collectable. You certainly wouldn't want to modify it in any major way. Gold Cups shoot great but they aren't set up for "action pistol" type shooting. That pretty finish would be gone in no time!

I'd say go with the Kimber. Gold Cups are overrated and have many flaws, some more than others depending on when it was made.


Of course you agree with John, he told me personally that you learned everything you know about shooting and guns from him, just that you were not as pretty. ;)

Wow, you guys are fast! I suppose my choice is simpler than I had first assumed. I do plan on shooting the piece alot (but not carrying) so it seems that the Kimber should get the nod. I just wish Kimber didn't make their slides with those GD frontal serrations! Puh-lease! Now on to the minutiae- are there any advantages to getting the Gold Match model in lieu of the "custom target" model? I have heard that the Gold Match is manufactured to closer tolerances. Is there a practical increase in accuracy? Is it worth the extra $200? Thanks again for your help.

semper ubi sub ubi

It would probably take a Ransom Rest to tell the difference! Save the bucks for goodies :D


There's a real quick way to tell if johnboy is tellin a big one! Just look and see if his mouth is moving. :) He's been a little cocky since he got his Brian Bilby Custom Kimber back (great stippling job, by the way!). He lucked up and kicked my butt at a match and I ain't heard the last of it yet! :( I've got my STI back from being plated now :) and we'll just have to take him down a notch or two...I asked his wife if he was always a grumpy old fart and she said "Of course not, sometimes he's asleep!"

Colt Product Recall

In view of the numerous flaws and problems identified with Colt "Gold Cup" firearms, they should all be forwarded without delay to the undersigned for disposition.


LOL, It's for the Children.

Be mentally deliberate but muscularly fast. Aim for just above the belt buckle Wyatt Earp
45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel! BigG
"It is error alone that needs government support; truth can stand by itself." Tom Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 1785
We don't have a chaplain here, but I don't view that as any major problem... You can rest assured
that you will not go in that bag until I've said a few appropriate words over you
R. Lee Ermy as Sgt Major Haffner, from The Siege of Firebase Gloria
If you have to shoot a man, shoot him in the guts. It may not kill him... sometimes they die slow, but it'll paralyze his brain and arm and the fight is all but over Wild Bill Hickok
I just bought a Kimber Classic Stainless Target. This decision was made after the Gun Test article that put Kimber, Spingfield, and Colt to the Test. Kimber and Springfield passed with the Kimber having a VERY slight lead. Can't go wrong with either pistol. The Colt fell behind and accuracy was comparable to a Ruger P-90. Sorry I already have one of those and was looking for something more. Don't get me wrong I love my Ruger I just paid a lot less for it than a Gold Cup.

BTW I like Kimber's slides!! :)

My 70 Series Colt Gold Cup is a tack driver. With SWC target loads you can not beat for accuracy. But it stays in the box. To be handed down one day. For IDPA, I use my Kimber Gold Match or Springfield Trophy Match. Both very reliable and accurate. But no comparision to an original 70 series Colt in mint condition.Capable of accurate fifty yard shots. For IDPA, function, purpose and distance the Kimber and Springfield are great. Digesting full power factory loads. If the Kimber feels tighter, it probably is. The 70 Series has probably had the heck shot out of it, though it looks to be in 98% condition. Go with the tighter gun.

[This message has been edited by Ned Roundtree (edited December 28, 1999).]
hi vanfunk!
there are always exceptions to the rule, but i think that in most cases, the kimber should get the nod, especially if it's "tighter" than the upper end model from colt. i think the only good colts are their ar15s and their really old national match 1911s. if you ask me, their quality on their standard 1911s(1991s) went south along with their integrity by playing pc politics.
colt is now pretty much kaput for 1911's. kimber is the new big dog in the 1911 market. colt has been surpassed by kimber in 1911 sales this year, and to add insult to injury, colt's premium spot at the shot show will be taken by kimber. talk about david slaying goliath (the irony is killing me!) but i digress-
go with the gun that feels good in your hand. check the barrel/bushing/slide engagement, and the barrel lock up, slide to frame play, etc... i think you'll be happy with the kimber.
if you can afford it, buy both and do what ned does! keep the colt in the box as a souveneir, and shoot the kimber

best of luck!

tactical accessories for self-defense and le
I have two 70 Series Gold Cups. One has only been fired ten or fifteen times. I keep it, in its box, in my safe. I have the other one currently configured with a .400 Cor-Bon, compensated, Accu-match barrel. Lots of fun to shoot. Almost as much fun as my similarly-configured Glock 21.

I had a third 70 Series Gold Cup, but gave it to my oldest son, when he graduated from college. He's not a shooter, so his stays in his closet.

All of my Gold Cups are really tight. If you've tried one that's not, something's amiss.

Shoot to kill; they'll stop when they're dead!
I shot my Series 80 thousands of rounds in IPSC, etc. and it's still as tight as the day I got it. The Gold Cup slides were hand-fitted, so if on is loose it was probably abused or messed with.
I hope this isn't too late. Let me give my 2 cents and a question.

I have a Kimber Custom, essentially the same as the model your considering except for the adjustable sight. The day before last I was at the range with a friend. He had brought along his dad's stock 80 series Mark IV. Damn, I was impressed big time. Now the Mark IV is a far cry from the quality expected of a Gold Cup 70 series, but its craftsmanship and quality was lightyears above and beyond my new Kimber. The trigger, the hammer, the weight and balance, everything on the Mark IV was superior to my Kimber. If it was my choice, and you could get the colt at $700 (which is quite a deal), it would be the Gold Cup hands down. As a matter of fact, if you get the Colt and don't like it, I'll trade you for the Kimber with a few extra goodies on my end of the deal.

Now, a question to the responders. How many of you actually have enough experience with various 1911's to give sound advice ?

No offense intended, I noticed a few of you mention you shot in matches and probably have a lot of hands on experience with various makes. I am still fairly new, but with added experience Its getting easier to spot when someone is blowing sunshine up your ass and doesn't have a clue what they're talking about. Just curious, someone commented that the Colt 70 series Gold Cups have been crap for the past 15 years. What experience do you have to back up this opinion ? I was under the impression that Colt discontinued the 70 series long before "15 years ago". Maybe your thinking of the Kimber Gold Match.
I have a Kimber Gold Match and am very pleased with it. It is extremely reliable and shoots better than I can hold. That said, I have seen new Colt's standard 1911's at the range for a lot less money shooting very well too. I know a lot of guys flame Colts and talk about loose fitting and so on, but I would like to have one. Also, the Gold Cups I have seen have been very well made indeed, and I sometimes regret getting the Kimber instead of the Colt gold cup. The guy who owns the gunshop recommended the Kimber over the Colt, and it does perform very well. However, those Gold Cups are beautiful guns.
Muscles, you need to read more carefully I guess. I was the one who said Gold Cups have been crap for the last 15 years...didn't refer to Series 70. I don't have experience with Gold Cups before 15 years ago, so I didn't comment on them before that. And why in the hell would I be thinking of a Kimber Gold Match when my Gold Match has digested over 3000 rounds and counting without a hiccup? And is the best-made, most accurate 1911 I have ever owned?
Vanfunk: Have you looked at any of Para- ordanance products? I bought a P-14 "limited" model. It is excellent weapon, exremely accurate, reliable, modest pricing. my .02$
Muscles, to answer your question, quite frankly, some of our members suffer from COLT-envy!!

Dr. Freud

Be mentally deliberate but muscularly fast. Aim for just above the belt buckle Wyatt Earp
45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel! BigG
"It is error alone that needs government support; truth can stand by itself." Tom Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 1785
We don't have a chaplain here, but I don't view that as any major problem... You can rest assured
that you will not go in that bag until I've said a few appropriate words over you
R. Lee Ermy as Sgt Major Haffner, from The Siege of Firebase Gloria
If you have to shoot a man, shoot him in the guts. It may not kill him... sometimes they die slow, but it'll paralyze his brain and arm and the fight is all but over Wild Bill Hickok
I have one of those crap series 80 Gold Cups. The POS can't make one hole groups at all. It can keep a mag full of rounds in the x ring though. Maybe I should trade it for a Norinco.