The Colt Detective Special is a fine old design, safe and comfortable to shoot with the hottest factory +P .38 Special loads. It fits right into the niche between the smallest, lightest practical .38 revolvers, which are five-shooters, and the K-frame S&W and equivalent Taurii. It is small and light enough to carry comfortably, but large enough and has enough weight to shoot fairly easily.
I am personally a big fan of the small, alloy frame revolvers, but, really, these take some getting used to, and need fairly constant practice to maintain proficiency.
The Colt DS, like the all steel S&W J-frames, is a little heavy for pure pocket carry. With a proper holster, though, or, better still, the Barami Hip Grip mentioned by Sport, it is a joy to carry and shoot. Even with 158 gr LSWHP +P loads. All the D Frame Colts I've shot were notably accurate.
Also, SGT Joe Friday (Jack Webb) carried one in the old Dragnet series on TV. What better endorsement could you have?
Best regards,
---The Second Amendment ensures the rest of the Bill of Rights---