Colt Detective Special - Customizing Trigger Job


I have a Colt Python .357 and a Colt Detective Special .38. About 8 years ago I sent my Python to a recognized Colt customizer in Texas. I think it was Austin area. If I recall correctly it was Guns and Ammo that recognized him as a great one to work with the Colts.

I want to send my Detective Special to him to get a trigger job.

Does anyone know who I might be referring to? Anyone have the contact name and address or e-mail address?

If not, does anyone else have a recommended name to customizing Colts?

Thanks in advance.

Was it Reeves Jungkind? He's in Austin. If so, I think you're out of luck. He suposedly now workes only on box-stock new Pythons. However, It couldn't hurt to ask.

Reeves Jungkind
5805 N. Lamar B;vd
Austin, TX 78752

Another noted Colt 'smith:
Bill Laughridge
Cylinder & Slide
P.O. Box 937
Fremont, NE 68025

And The Colt Custom Gun Shop

BE CAREFUL, there are lots of people claiming to be Colt 'smiths these days. They may be good Colt 1911 'smiths, but NOT Colt revolver 'smiths. I know that Cylinder & Slide ARE experts on the Colt revolvers.
Take it from me. I've searched the country for the best smiths and the top of the heap are Reeves Jungkind and Cylinder & Slide Shop. I've talked to both and I'd say it depends on what kind of trigger pull works best for you...a single or two stage.

Put simply, if the "feel" of the factory Python and Detective trigger pull feels better to you than a Smith & Wesson then you're a two stage kind of guy...send your Python to Cylinder & Slide Shop as they retain the Python's standard "feel" while lightening and smoothing the pull.

FYI...C&S's "standard action job" for the Python is required if you plan on using Magnum ammunition. The higher grade one will negate its use.

If the "feel" of a factory Smith & Wesson trigger pull feels better to you then send your Python to Reeves Jungkind. His work duplicates the "feel" of a Smith & Wesson I've read. Reeves will also need to know if you plan on using Magnum ammunition.

As a sidenote, in talking with Massad Ayoob at LFI he said he felt Reeves was the best living smith for the Python bar none.

I've got a Python to send to Jungkind after my wife and I buy our house...I've had the other stuff done by Andy Cannon already like chamfering the cylinder mouthes. The action is untouched though. Andy almost cried when I told him to leave it alone.

Good luck...enjoy.

- Anthony

P.S. Reeves also told me he sells a front sight for the Python of his own design that allows accurate head shots at 50 yards. He doesn't install them though.
Reeves Contact info

Reeves is THE man! Just so you know, his address has changed since he "retired".

5001 Buckskin Pass
Austin, Texas 78745-2841

I asked about the front sight and he charges $10. A good deal for a little better sight. Reeves is such a great guy to talk to.

Thanks for the help guys.
