Colt Defender?? Good, bad, ??

I don't own one, but I've shot a few, the fit and finish weren't all that good, at least compared to my Kimber.
One funtioned OK, another couldn't get off 3 rounds consecutively. The overall quality was visibly better on the one that worked, so give the particular gun you are going to buy a close look, and compare it to a top-end gun like a Kimber.
just MHO.
I found colt's new grip safety to dig into my hand very painfully. O ther than that the gun shot OK, but I don't like a gun that hurts me and I am not very recoil sensitive.
I have shot the Defender when I was looking for a compact litewt. .45. I liked it except for the sharp edges. Ended up buying the CCO and don't regret it one bit. A better gun all around over the Defender. Almost as lite to carry, a couple of ozs. different, a better sight radius, and better ballistics. When I bought my CCO I looked at several variations including Kimber as I own the Classic, the Colt was the BEST of all them. Everyone harps on how the Kimbers are put together. They may be tighter in the slide to frame fit but not as tight where it counts. The barrel to frame fit, and the barrel to bushing fit. In my CCO there is 0 play in either. This is where the accuracy comes from. My Classic will tend not to slide lock on the last round ocassionally. My CCO has not barfed once. Nothing. Colt got it right on this particular model. I haven't tried a variety of mags in it though. Just the 2 that came with it. Works and works and works. If you can shoot the guns before hand do so. Good luck
I'm Randy's wife, he bought me a defender for
my birthday and I love it. It shot accurate right out of the box, fired 2000 rounds and
Not One Problem. I looked at Kimber and was not impressed at all, the slide felt like crap,not at all smooth like the defender. IMHO guns are like tennis shoes. Every one has there own favorites. You buy the one you like, and I really like the defender.
before buying the defender, take a look at the kimber ultra as they are both essentially the same gun. look at the fit of the parts, the barrel lock-up, work the action and try the trigger. then buy the one that feels right.
best regards,

tactical accessories for self-defense and le
Bought first Defender seen after they hit shelves and have been very pleased with it. Also have the Kimber ultra-carry and there are advantages to both. The captured recoil springs are very effective at controlling recoil, although pain in butt to reassemble after cleaning. The Kimber is fitted tighter and more accurate at 25 yds. The Defender shoots about 3 in high and the Kimber shoots about 4 in low (25 yds). The edges of Kimber slide are nicely radiused, while the Defender's are sharp. MMC makes adjustable rear sight for the Kimber's rear sight cut, they keep saying they will make one for the defender. The extended thumb safety on the Kimber sticks out much further than the Defender's. Have seen Defender's advertized for $500 in SN while up to $600 in stores, and seen Ultra's go for between $550 and $600. Some justifiably feel if you are relying on pistol for self defense carry, you should seriously consider how tight the pistol is fitted. The Defender has been reliable with all rounds put through it. Notched popsicle sticks make reassembly of Defender much easier, while the ulta comes with small metal rod to keep recoil srings compressed.