Colt Commander 1911.........

Handgun Harry

New member
I just bought my first gun yesterday.. well, first handgun at least, I've owned rifles before.

I am still new to the handgun scene. I was reading through my manual last night and have a few questions..

It mentioned series.. series 70, 80 and 90.. I cannot tell what "series" my gun is...... The gun is a Colt 1911 Combat Commander .45, slighty customized (came that way), bought new. The guys at the gun store said the model is not in production anymore. I cannot find any other markings on it other than "Colt Commander 1911, .45, Combat Commander".. and the serial number of course.. and a few little odd markings on it, small ones.

I paid $789 for 3 of the employee's working at the gun store at the time were raving about the gun when I bought it.. and not like a Salesman rave.. like a fan rave.. I work with salesmen co-workers and I can tell the difference (I'd like to think!). Was this a fair price to pay for a gun like this?? Yeh I know it's a little late to ask since I already bought it, but I was just curious. It's a REALLY nice looking gun, again, already with a few customizations. Going to shoot it on Saturday. 8)

How many rounds should I put through it when I take it out for the first time? I bought 100 rounds of normal loads, and a box of hollows for home defense.

Your gun is a series 80 combat commander. The series 90 designation applies to the Defender. Shoot your gun to death. Common practice dictates that the accepted break in period for your gun is between 100-500 rounds.
Retract and lock the slide open. Look underneath it, just past the tail of the grip safety. Do you see a round plunger staring back at you? If so, then it has the Series 80 firing pin safety installed. As for the price, it sounds like full retail to me; but, I may be wrong.
All of my new 1911's recieve a full diet of 500 rounds of 230 grn hardball when they come home. I normally buy a case of S&B from Cheaper Than Dirt. Shoot half of it breaking in a new 1911. Strip it down and clean it well.

THEN you can begin to shoot wadcutters and hollow points et al through it.

Agree with the last post. Looks like you paid pretty much full retail for a series 80 Commander. Unless someone had done some work on it; i.e. match trigger, high rise beavertail, upgraded sights, checkering the front strap ... the list goes on.

It had some custom work done to it.. just a few minor things.. those line cut-out sorta thingies on the slide on the slide for grip, an indent for your finger under the trigger guard to make it more comfortable, and some other stuff..
If you bought a gun that perfectly satisfies you in every way - then there is nothing wrong with paying Full Retail price for it. I have some guns that I absolutely love - not only would I have been pleased to pay full price - I would have paid more for them!
What sucks is when you get a gun that is just useable - and you paid full price for it...
Like my Detonics - dang - I got it for a steal and would have gladly paid another 2 hundred for it.

The Commander is a PERFECT handgun - Totally balanced in length, caliber, and something you just can't messure, "Feel". It's like getting married - if your ready to commit to a life long relationship - you want it to be with gun as good as Commander. Sexy, yet you can live with it everyday.

Good choice.
Harry, you bought a very fine pistol. My Series 70 Combat Commander in Royal Blue is at the top of my favorites list. It will be the last to go before I have to live in the street. :)

I'm not sure we have enough info to definitely say you have a Series 80. Does it have the firing pin safety as Victor described? What is the first part of the serial number? What is the finish (blue, blue/stainless, all stainless, Colt Royal Blue which has a purplish tint)? Though a Series 70 NIB would be a rare find at this time, it's possible and if so, you got a real deal.