Colt Comeback.........WHEN?


New member
To the nearest year, when do you think Colt, having allowed all the other manufacturers to help defend our rights, will announce that due to increasing demand, they will again offer their "fine line of service and sport handguns?"

A la SAA

Late 2000, early 2001. I don't care if it's ever so long as the current owner is involved. Sam Colt is spinnin' in his grave like the revolver cylinder he invented and until someone with some balls and brains takes over the company, re-introduces the Series 70 style 1911's and take a pro-active leadership role against the anti-gunners, Colt can go straight to hell for all I care.

I feel the same way, We lost a piece of history here. As long as they stay a Komrad Klinton suck up I will not even look at a Colt product.I have never been a big Colt fan to start always figured they were overpriced. If they are to buy H&K like stated elsewhere then they also deserve what they get. I don't care if they don't make a comeback until 2010

Help Stamp Out Gun Ignorance.
Here's a recent quote - but before the HK news - from Massad Ayoob on an industry rag web page. He's talking about marketing strategies. The end is strange. Colt seems to
be giving in to the suits and Mas talks about
them if and when our side wins:

Consider the Colt Detective Special, more recently known in its updated versions as
the DS-II and the Magnum Carry, the latter in the potent .357 chambering.
Colt’s recent decision to stop making this gun along with several others puts a
temporary crimp in your ability to sell them, except on the second-hand counter,
where they should garner a premium price. However, once our side starts winning
the “government versus gun industry” lawsuits, look for the reinstatement of these
fine handguns to the production line.
Hmm, a Colt "comeback"? If I had to guess I would say sometime around the 5th of never.
Zilka sold Colt down the river and until he is gone the Colt name will not be the same IMO.
Glenn, I think Mas is referring the fact that the DA revolvers are extremely labor intensive. They are basicly handmade, the way they were 60 years ago. Those machinist cost a lot of money and the guns are not worth a price high enough to cover that expense. If you see a reintroduction of the DA revolvers it will probably not be until 2001 or 2002 and they will be done on new CNC machinery. That way the cost will come down to a reasonable level, since the gun will require less work done by hand, and a decent profit for the maker. As I have said before, a company does not exist to provide jobs in a community or to promote good will with customers, a company exists to make a profit for the owner, usually shareholders.
with so many other good choices around, the question to Colt is "why bother" who wants their junks anyway. Get out and stay out and thanks a lot for "supporting" the shooting public.
Jeff, why doesn't Colt come out clearly in favor of the RKBA, civilian concealed carry laws, against magazine bans and the like.

I've read their PR on their site and it's really ambiguous.

Again, why would they stop HK imports of handguns, if true. Is it unprofitable?

Then, say that. If the line is good, make it
in the US with cheaper labor if need be.

Certainly, the market is there for quality polymers. 60 % of my LFI class was Glocks.