Colt Carry .357 - Good buy?


New member
I saw a Colt Carry .357 NIB (2" barrel) in a gunshop, I felt that the Hogue grips make it very handy and comfortable. They asked me $400.

I like the gun and I´m very fond of snubbies (actually, I own three), so I´ve decided to buy "my fourth", but, since I couldn´t find the owner of one to ask about its performance and/or to shoot this short barrel yet, I´ll appreciate your help sending me comments and/or recommendations about this handgun (ie. price, reliability, accuracy, workmanship, etc.).

I understand that Colt has ceased the production of this revolver.

Thank you in advance for your help.

I picked one up when they first came out...great little gun, well put together, and a total shame Colt weaseled themselves out of the market.

I've wanted one for a long time and they are really hard to find.

Anyone with any ideas drop me an e-mail.
It may have been simply a fluke, but at the DU Outdoor Festival 2years ago the Colt rep was showing me this gun. He loaded it up with 125gr jhps and fired it. One shot and the cylinder locked up! He was still fighting to open it when I walked away.
While I love the Detective Special, Colt made a serious mistake when they redesigned the lockwork in the D-frame revolvers.(DS-II, SF-VI & Magnum Carry) I not only don't like them, I don't trust them.
Thank you everybody for your help.

I couldn´t resist the temptation and bought the gun.

I carry the new revolver to the range on last weekend and tried it, ... its a winner.

I used Winchester ammo (110 grains hp) and got +2" groups at 15 yards (5 shots) in double action and friend of mine got an impressive less than one inch (4 shots) at the same distance (simple action).

The workmanship is not the best, the gun ought to be dehorned due to its "sharp edges", the da action is very smooth but has the same "Ruger´s" problem with the trigger and the single action is really crisp.

I think that I did a good buy and I´ll keep it !!!.
